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Former Naval Officer Exposes Military Illegal Experimentation on Hundreds of Thousands
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=39580"><span class="small">Leilamsg</span></a>   
Wednesday, 08 June 2016 17:41

Contact: David Voigts
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Former Naval Officer Treks across America Raising Awareness for Targeted Individuals

Former Naval officer and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy David Voigts is voyaging across America from Delaware to California along the American Discovery Trail to raise awareness for a growing group of victims including men, women, and children being assaulted with electronic weapons. He has started his journey May 9, and is currently in West Virginia. He plans to take at least seven months to complete the trail educating the community while carrying a portable backlit billboard.

Voigts has a degree in Control Systems Engineering and served in Electronic Warfare and Nuclear Billets. While in service he became aware of an ongoing illegal non-consensual human experimentation project studying human-machine interface. This illegal and unethical project uses non-consenting victims referred to as “Targeted Individuals” to conduct various psychological and physical experiments with the use of electronic warfare weapons that essentially torture the victim psychologically and physically.

This important social issue affects hundreds of thousands of individuals in America. As these weapons are often used covertly, many victims of this electronic harassment including men, women, and children, may not know they are targeted and are not able to recognize many of the symptoms. Raising social awareness and increasing support on this critical civil rights issue is essential to ending these crimes against humanity. Currently, the Polish minister of defense has opened a formal investigation on these crimes, making them the first country in the world to formally investigate.

During service Voigts heard a holocaust survivor present his story then appealed to the group that if they ever saw anything like that happen again to take action against it. This left an impression on Voigts as he discovered the horrific details of this human experimentation program with electronic weapons. A true American hero, Voigts stated, “I intentionally got myself drafted into the program to help me understand it better to help shut it down.” To learn more and support Voigts in his efforts, see below contact information.

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Website: your social media marketing partner
Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 June 2016 23:41