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FOCUS | Justice Stephen G. Breyer Hints at Retirement: 'I Don't Think I'm Going to Stay Until I Die'
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=60642"><span class="small">Adam Liptak, The New York Times</span></a>   
Friday, 27 August 2021 11:28

Liptak writes: "In an interview prompted by his new book, the 83-year-old leader of the court's liberal wing said he is working on a decision about when to step down."

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. (photo: The New York Times)
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. (photo: The New York Times)

Justice Stephen G. Breyer Hints at Retirement: 'I Don't Think I'm Going to Stay Until I Die'

By Adam Liptak, The New York Times

27 August 21

In an interview prompted by his new book, the 83-year-old leader of the court’s liberal wing said he is working on a decision about when to step down.

ustice Stephen G. Breyer says he is struggling to decide when to retire from the Supreme Court and is taking account of a host of factors, including who will name his successor. “There are many things that go into a retirement decision,” he said.

He recalled approvingly something Justice Antonin Scalia had told him.

“He said, ‘I don’t want somebody appointed who will just reverse everything I’ve done for the last 25 years,’” Justice Breyer said during a wide-ranging interview on Thursday. “That will inevitably be in the psychology” of his decision, he said.

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Last Updated on Friday, 27 August 2021 11:30