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No Charges for Officer After NYPD Finds He Raped a Minor
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=60310"><span class="small">Troy Closson, The New York Times</span></a>   
Thursday, 29 July 2021 13:02

Closson writes: "Two New York Police Department officers were fired this year after a disciplinary trial judge wrote that they had engaged in 'shocking professional and sexual misconduct' with a teenage girl who was a member of one of the department's youth programs, departmental records show."

The two former NYPD officers, Yaser Shohatee and Sanad Musallam, had sexual contact with a girl who was 15 at the time. (photo: Getty)
The two former NYPD officers, Yaser Shohatee and Sanad Musallam, had sexual contact with a girl who was 15 at the time. (photo: Getty)

No Charges for Officer After NYPD Finds He Raped a Minor

By Troy Closson, The New York Times

29 July 21


wo New York Police Department officers were fired this year after a disciplinary trial judge wrote that they had engaged in “shocking professional and sexual misconduct” with a teenage girl who was a member of one of the department’s youth programs, departmental records show.

The two former officers, Yaser Shohatee and Sanad Musallam, had sexual contact with the girl, who was 15 at the time of most of the events, the records say, and together exchanged more than 1,500 texts with her over the course of more than a year, some of which included sexually explicit messages.

The girl was interviewed by state prosecutors as part of a sex trafficking investigation but stopped cooperating, according to a spokesperson for the Brooklyn district attorney. Shohatee, who is now 41, and Musallam, 34, were not criminally charged, but prosecutors referred their findings to the Police Department’s internal affairs bureau, and the two were tried together.

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