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Biden Will Reverse Trump, Restore Protections to Tongass National Forest
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=60125"><span class="small">Nichola Groom and Lisa Lambert, Reuters</span></a>   
Thursday, 15 July 2021 12:33

Excerpt: "President Joe Biden's administration on Thursday said it would propose to restore environmental protections to the largest U.S. national forest, the Tongass in Alaska."

The Biden administration announced sweeping protections for Tongass National Forest, seen here on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, on July 2 (photo: Salwan Georges/Washington Post)
The Biden administration announced sweeping protections for Tongass National Forest, seen here on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, on July 2 (photo: Salwan Georges/Washington Post)

Biden Will Reverse Trump, Restore Protections to Tongass National Forest

By Nichola Groom and Lisa Lambert, Reuters

15 July 21


resident Joe Biden's administration on Thursday said it would propose to restore environmental protections to the largest U.S. national forest, the Tongass in Alaska.

The move is the latest effort to roll back a land use decision made under former President Donald Trump. It reflects Biden's growing emphasis on conservation over commercial development. Last month, the administration had indicated it would seek to reverse the Trump policy.

In a statement, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said it would move to restore the Clinton-era Roadless Rule protections to the Tongass, conserving 9.3 million acres of the world's largest temperate old growth rainforest.

The 2001 rule banned logging, roads and mining in undeveloped forests. Alaska state officials had petitioned the Trump administration for the change because they said the rule has cost Alaskans jobs.

The agency also said it would end large-scale old growth timber sales in the Tongass and focus resources on forest restoration, resilience and recreation.

At the same time, it said it would invest up to $25 million in the Southeast Alaska region to support economic opportunities and workforce development in industries such as fishing, recreation and renewable energy.

Environmental group the Alaska Wilderness League cheered the decision, saying the Tongass was critical to storing carbon and combating climate change. your social media marketing partner