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FOCUS: Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, and Joaquin Phoenix Sign Letter Calling for Biden to Block Construction of Line 3 Oil Pipeline in Minnesota
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=59189"><span class="small">Jenna Romaine, The Hill</span></a>   
Monday, 12 July 2021 11:59

Romaine writes: "Over 200 celebrities and environmental activists have signed an open letter to President Biden urging him to halt Line 3, the proposed replacement and expansion of an oil pipeline, which stretches from Alberta, Canada through Wisconsin."

Leonardo DiCaprio. (photo: Angela Weiss/Getty Images)
Leonardo DiCaprio. (photo: Angela Weiss/Getty Images)

ALSO SEE: Text of the Letter:

Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, and Joaquin Phoenix Sign Letter Calling for Biden to Block Construction of Line 3 Oil Pipeline in Minnesota

By Jenna Romaine, The Hill

12 July 21

"At this time of reckoning with our history, we need to move forward in the spirit of reconciliation toward our national ideals," the letter reads.

ver 200 celebrities and environmental activists have signed an open letter to President Biden urging him to halt Line 3, the proposed replacement and expansion of an oil pipeline, which stretches from Alberta, Canada through Wisconsin.

Among the ranks of celebrities imploring the president to intervene are Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Joaquin Phoenix, Danny Glover, Jane Fonda, Orlando Bloom, and Amy Schumer, among others.

"Your presidency is a watershed in human history, the last chance to turn the tide before climate disruption spirals out of control," the letter reads. "We worked hard for your election in part because you embraced that challenge as a defining strength of your candidacy."

The Line 3 pipeline carries oil over tribal lands, leading to concerns about its impact on the environment and the Indigenous communities that inhabit and use the land.

"Line 3 violates the rights and lifeways of the Anishinaabe people by endangering the headwaters of the Mississippi River, including critical areas for hunting, fishing, harvesting wild rice, and cultural resources — rights that the US is bound by treaty and integrity to uphold," the letter reads. "At this time of reckoning with our history, we need to move forward in the spirit of reconciliation toward our national ideals."

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