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They Posed as Democratic Activists but Were Really Conservative Spies
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=53586"><span class="small">Mark Mazzetti and Adam Goldman, The New York Times</span></a>   
Saturday, 26 June 2021 08:17

Excerpt: "The young couple posing in front of the faux Eiffel Tower at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas fit right in, two people in a sea of idealistic Democrats who had arrived in the city in February 2020 for a Democratic primary debate."

The stage for a Democratic presidential debate at the Wynn Las Vegas. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
The stage for a Democratic presidential debate at the Wynn Las Vegas. (photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

They Posed as Democratic Activists but Were Really Conservative Spies

By Mark Mazzetti and Adam Goldman, The New York Times

26 June 21

Operatives infiltrated progressive groups across the West to try to manipulate politics and reshape the national electoral map. They targeted moderate Republicans, too — anyone seen as threats to hard-line conservatives.

he young couple posing in front of the faux Eiffel Tower at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas fit right in, two people in a sea of idealistic Democrats who had arrived in the city in February 2020 for a Democratic primary debate.

Large donations to the Democratic National Committee — $10,000 each — had bought Beau Maier and Sofia LaRocca tickets to the debate. During a cocktail reception beforehand, they worked the room of party officials, rainbow donkey pins affixed to their lapels.

In fact, much about them was a lie. Mr. Maier and Ms. LaRocca were part of an undercover operation by conservatives to infiltrate progressive groups, political campaigns and the offices of Democratic as well as moderate Republican elected officials during the 2020 election cycle, according to interviews and documents.

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