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Democrats, Once Outraged, Are Taking a Quieter Approach on the Treatment of Migrant Children.
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=59617"><span class="small">Eileen Sullivan, The New York Times</span></a>   
Sunday, 30 May 2021 08:11

Sullivan writes: "House Democrats, who led an angry charge against the Trump administration's treatment of migrant children, have taken a much quieter tack since concerns began emerging about conditions at some of the emergency shelters set up by the Biden administration to deal with minors at the southern border."

Demonstrators march past the U.S. Capitol while protesting immigration reform, in Washington on May 12, 2021. (photo: Stefani Reynolds/NYT)
Demonstrators march past the U.S. Capitol while protesting immigration reform, in Washington on May 12, 2021. (photo: Stefani Reynolds/NYT)

Democrats, Once Outraged, Are Taking a Quieter Approach on the Treatment of Migrant Children.

By Eileen Sullivan, The New York Times

30 May 21

Democrats say the contrast is for good reason: former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies were deliberately cruel, devised as a deterrent to would-be migrants, while the Biden administration is trying hard to deal with a bad hand.

ouse Democrats, who led an angry charge against the Trump administration’s treatment of migrant children, have taken a much quieter tack since concerns began emerging about conditions at some of the emergency shelters set up by the Biden administration to deal with minors at the southern border.

Where once only Twitter assaults and dressing-downs at House hearings would suffice, Democratic lawmakers are voicing worries privately to administration officials and the small staff at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the care. If problems persist, the lawmakers say they call again.

Democrats say the contrast is for good reason: former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies were deliberately cruel, devised as a deterrent to would-be migrants, while the Biden administration is trying hard to deal with a bad hand.

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