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Daniel Ellsberg Disclosure: Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be Greater Than Publicly Known
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=53839"><span class="small">Charlie Savage, The New York Times</span></a>   
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 13:24

Excerpt: "The famed source of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has made another unauthorized disclosure - and wants to be prosecuted for it."

Soldiers in 1958 on Kinmen Island, also called Quemoy. According to an apparently still-classified document, American officials doubted they could defend Taiwan with only conventional weapons. (photo: John Dominis/Getty)
Soldiers in 1958 on Kinmen Island, also called Quemoy. According to an apparently still-classified document, American officials doubted they could defend Taiwan with only conventional weapons. (photo: John Dominis/Getty)

Daniel Ellsberg Disclosure: Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be Greater Than Publicly Known

By Charlie Savage, The New York Times

26 May 21

The famed source of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has made another unauthorized disclosure — and wants to be prosecuted for it.

hen Communist Chinese forces began shelling islands controlled by Taiwan in 1958, the United States rushed to back up its ally with military force — including drawing up plans to carry out nuclear strikes on mainland China, according to an apparently still-classified document that sheds new light on how dangerous that crisis was.

American military leaders pushed for a first-use nuclear strike on China, accepting the risk that the Soviet Union would retaliate in kind on behalf of its ally and millions of people would die, dozens of pages from a classified 1966 study of the confrontation show. The government censored those pages when it declassified the study for public release.

The document was disclosed by Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked a classified history of the Vietnam War, known as the Pentagon Papers, 50 years ago. Mr. Ellsberg said he had copied the top secret study about the Taiwan Strait crisis at the same time but did not disclose it then. He is now highlighting it amid new tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 13:40