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Colombians Denounce Police Sexual Violence Against Women Amid Protests
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=33791"><span class="small">teleSUR</span></a>   
Saturday, 15 May 2021 08:39

Excerpt: "Colombian gender rights organizations on Friday will take to the streets to reject police sexual violence committed against women during the anti-government protests that have rocked the country since April 28."

Protesters in Colombia rally against sexual violence attacks against women carried out by police. (photo: Gustavo Torrijos)
Protesters in Colombia rally against sexual violence attacks against women carried out by police. (photo: Gustavo Torrijos)

Colombians Denounce Police Sexual Violence Against Women Amid Protests

By teleSUR

15 May 21


olombian gender rights organizations on Friday will take to the streets to reject police sexual violence committed against women during the anti-government protests that have rocked the country since April 28.

"Our bodies are not war fields, Defense Minister Diego Molano. We demand justice for the 16 women who were raped by agents of the Anti-Riot Mobil Squadron (ESMAD) during the protests," the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (LIMPAL) said.

On May 12, several underage women denounced to have been raped by security officers during the protests. One victim was so traumatized that she committed suicide on Tuesday.

The minor, whose name hasn't been revealed by local authorities, was arbitrarily detained and sexually abused by four police officers when she was returning home from a protest in Popayan.

"They pulled down my pants and groped me to my soul. I asked them to let go of me several times," the victim stated shortly after she was raped.

"Sexual violence is a weapon against protesters. Today we are mourning the death of a teenage girl. We must continue an indefinite national strike until President Ivan Duque resigns," The Socialist Workers Party (PTS) tweeted.

The Women's House reported that the "Not One Less" sit-in will begin at 10h00 local time in front of the National Police headquarters in cities such as Bogota, Cali, and Popayan. your social media marketing partner