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Bolivia Launches International Campaign to Free COVID-19 Vaccine Patents
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=33791"><span class="small">teleSUR</span></a>   
Wednesday, 14 April 2021 08:26

Excerpt: "Bolivia's Foreign Affairs Minister Rogelio Mayta on Tuesday launched an international campaign for the patent release of COVID-19 vaccines so that worldwide nations have equitable access to the drugs."

COVID 19 Vaccine. (photo: Brian Intagna/AP)
COVID 19 Vaccine. (photo: Brian Intagna/AP)

Bolivia Launches International Campaign to Free COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

By teleSUR

14 April 21

Bolivia will also urge rich countries that have hoarded vaccines to hand over their extra doses to the people who need them the most.

olivia's Foreign Affairs Minister Rogelio Mayta on Tuesday launched an international campaign for the patent release of COVID-19 vaccines so that worldwide nations have equitable access to the drugs.

The proposal, which will be presented to the international community at the Ibero-American Summit to be held on April 21 in Andorra, aims to facilitate access to COVID-19 vaccines for the poorest countries.

According to scientists, 70 percent of the world's population must be immunized to halt the COVID-19 spread. Otherwise, new variations will continue to appear and the pandemic will last for years.

"Pharmaceuticals must release patents so that vaccines can be manufactured everywhere. That will be the fastest way to vaccinate all of our people," Mayta recalled.

The international campaign will also urge rich countries that have hoarded vaccines to hand over their extra doses to the people who need them the most.

"All countries are experiencing an unprecedented crisis. Health and life rights must be a priority in international cooperation," Mayta added.

In January, Bolivia started its vaccination campaign immunizing health personnel, people with kidney disease and cancer, and the elderly. your social media marketing partner