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Virginia Police Held a Black Lieutenant at Gunpoint and Pepper Sprayed Him Over a Traffic Stop, Bodycam Shows
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=51622"><span class="small">Blake Montgomery, The Daily Beast</span></a>   
Saturday, 10 April 2021 12:43

Montgomery writes: "Police in Windsor, Virginia, pulled their guns on a Black and Latino man immediately after pulling him over at a gas station for a traffic stop."

Police in Windsor, Virginia, held Caron Nazario, left, at gunpoint and pepper-sprayed him during a routine traffic stop last December, according to a new federal lawsuit. (photo: Twitter)
Police in Windsor, Virginia, held Caron Nazario, left, at gunpoint and pepper-sprayed him during a routine traffic stop last December, according to a new federal lawsuit. (photo: Twitter)

Virginia Police Held a Black Lieutenant at Gunpoint and Pepper Sprayed Him Over a Traffic Stop, Bodycam Shows

By Blake Montgomery, The Daily Beast

10 April 21


olice in Windsor, Virginia, pulled their guns on a Black and Latino man immediately after pulling him over at a gas station for a traffic stop, according to body camera footage of the December 2020 incident. Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario, a member of the U.S. Army Medical Corps, was still wearing his full uniform en route home from work in his Chevy Tahoe when he asked, “I’m serving this country, and this is how I’m treated?” The officers later pepper-sprayed him, kneed him in the legs, handcuffed him, and threatened to bring charges against him if he complained about their conduct, according to the footage and Nazario’s lawsuit.

He has sued the officers, accusing them of racially profiling him. They say they pulled him over because he was driving without a license plate, though he had temporary plates taped to his window. They said they used force because he would not exit the vehicle. When Nazario said he was afraid to exit the vehicle, an officer responded, “Yeah, you should be,” according to video of the encounter. your social media marketing partner
Last Updated on Sunday, 11 April 2021 10:41