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Biden Secretly Limits Counterterrorism Drone Strikes Away From War Zones
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=58520"><span class="small">Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times</span></a>   
Thursday, 04 March 2021 09:21

Excerpt: "The Biden administration has quietly imposed temporary limits on counterterrorism drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefield zones like Afghanistan and Syria, and it has begun a broad review of whether to tighten Trump-era rules for such operations, according to officials."

New temporary restrictions quietly issued by the Biden administration require the military and the CIA. (photo: John Moore/Getty)
New temporary restrictions quietly issued by the Biden administration require the military and the CIA. (photo: John Moore/Getty)

Biden Secretly Limits Counterterrorism Drone Strikes Away From War Zones

By Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times

04 March 21

Requiring higher-level approval is a stopgap measure as officials review whether to tighten Trump-era targeting rules and civilian safeguards.

he Biden administration has quietly imposed temporary limits on counterterrorism drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefield zones like Afghanistan and Syria, and it has begun a broad review of whether to tighten Trump-era rules for such operations, according to officials.

The military and the C.I.A. must now obtain White House permission to attack terrorism suspects in poorly governed places where there are scant American ground troops, like Somalia and Yemen. Under the Trump administration, they had been allowed to decide for themselves whether circumstances on the ground met certain conditions and an attack was justified.

Officials characterized the tighter controls as a stopgap while the Biden administration reviewed how targeting worked — both on paper and in practice — under former President Donald J. Trump and developed its own policy and procedures for counterterrorism kill-or-capture operations outside war zones, including how to minimize the risk of civilian casualties.

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