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Myanmar Police Open Fire on Protesters, Killing 2
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=58405"><span class="small">Richard C. Paddock, The New York Times</span></a>   
Saturday, 20 February 2021 09:18

Paddock writes: "The police in Myanmar opened fire on protesters in the city of Mandalay on Saturday, killing two people and wounding dozens, according to witnesses."

Protesters carrying an injured man in Mandalay, Myanmar. (photo: AP)
Protesters carrying an injured man in Mandalay, Myanmar. (photo: AP)

Myanmar Police Open Fire on Protesters, Killing 2

By Richard C. Paddock, The New York Times

20 February 21

At least 40 people protesting the military’s ouster of civilian leaders were wounded in the city of Mandalay, volunteer medics said.

he police in Myanmar opened fire on protesters in the city of Mandalay on Saturday, killing two people and wounding dozens, according to witnesses.

The shootings occurred as the authorities were trying to force workers back to their jobs at a local shipyard. They were among hundreds of thousands of workers across Myanmar who have walked off their jobs to protest the military’s Feb. 1 coup and its ouster of elected civilian leaders.

More than 1,000 demonstrators gathered at the shipyard to block the police, leading to a tense standoff that lasted much of Saturday afternoon. The authorities used water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, slingshots and ultimately live ammunition to break up the crowd, witnesses said.

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