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Myanmar: Media Workers Join Disobedience Movement, Stage Rallies in Government Capital
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=58314"><span class="small">Min Wathan, Myanmar Times</span></a>   
Thursday, 11 February 2021 13:23

Wathan writes: "Media personnel in Yangon pledged their support for the civilian-elected government on February 11 by joining the Civil Disobedience Movement as a sign of protest against military rule."

Media personnel in Yangon. (photo: Ar Kar/The Myanmar Times)
Media personnel in Yangon. (photo: Ar Kar/The Myanmar Times)

Myanmar: Media Workers Join Disobedience Movement, Stage Rallies in Government Capital

By Min Wathan, Myanmar Times

11 February 21


edia personnel in Yangon pledged their support for the civilian-elected government on February 11 by joining the Civil Disobedience Movement as a sign of protest against military rule./span>

Thirty-six staff and personnel from the Myanmar Press Council, Myanmar Digital News, Daily Mirror and Myanmar Alin daily newspaper staged rallies at approximately 10.30am in front of the state press building on Thein Phyu Road.
This was in addition to 34 media personnel who had already been protesting as part of the movement in Nay Pyi Taw.

“We have been participating in the demonstrations against the military seizing power since February 8. Many more are joining us,” said U Ye Khaung Nyunt, an editor from Myanmar’s News and Periodicals Enterprise.

“We know what justice and injustice is. We are civil servants and we earn by virtue of the public. We want a democratically elected government. We want to refrain from doing what the public dislikes. We serve the public. This is our determination,’’ he said. - Translated your social media marketing partner