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'Existential Peril': Mass Transit Faces Huge Service Cuts Across US
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=57357"><span class="small">Christina Goldbaum and Will Wright, The New York Times</span></a>   
Monday, 07 December 2020 09:25

Excerpt: "In Boston, transit officials warned of ending weekend service on the commuter rail and shutting down the city's ferries. In Washington, weekend and late-night metro service would be eliminated and 19 of the system's 91 stations would close."

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs New York City's subway and buses and two commuter rail lines, is threatening drastic service cuts. (photo: Jonah Markowitz/NYT)
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs New York City's subway and buses and two commuter rail lines, is threatening drastic service cuts. (photo: Jonah Markowitz/NYT)

'Existential Peril': Mass Transit Faces Huge Service Cuts Across US

By Christina Goldbaum and Will Wright, The New York Times

07 December 20

Reeling from the pandemic, transit agencies are grappling with drastic reductions in ridership and pleading for help from Washington.

n Boston, transit officials warned of ending weekend service on the commuter rail and shutting down the city’s ferries. In Washington, weekend and late-night metro service would be eliminated and 19 of the system’s 91 stations would close. In Atlanta, 70 of the city’s 110 bus routes have already been suspended, a move that could become permanent.

And in New York City, home to the largest mass transportation system in North America, transit officials have unveiled a plan that could slash subway service by 40 percent and cut commuter rail service in half.

Across the United States, public transportation systems are confronting an extraordinary financial crisis set off by the pandemic, which has starved transit agencies of huge amounts of revenue and threatens to cripple service for years.

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