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Mexico: Cancun Police Shoot Down Feminist Protest
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=33791"><span class="small">teleSUR</span></a>   
Tuesday, 10 November 2020 13:36

Excerpt: "Mexico's Police Monday shot down a feminist protest organized in Cancun to reject two women's femicides that took place last weekend. Police brutality left three reporters injured, one of them by gunshot."

Women with banners against femicides at a protest in Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 9, 2020. (photo: EFE)
Women with banners against femicides at a protest in Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 9, 2020. (photo: EFE)

Mexico: Cancun Police Shoot Down Feminist Protest

By teleSUR

10 November 20

Last year, Mexico registered 34,608 intentional homicides and 1,012 femicides, the highest data since records began.

exico's Police Monday shot down a feminist protest organized in Cancun to reject two women's femicides that took place last weekend. Police brutality left three reporters injured, one of them by gunshot.

Over 2,000 protesters attended the march against Quintana Roo State's femicides. The demonstrators marched to Cancun's Palacio Municipal.

Videos broadcasted on social networks showed how the police closed the entrance to the Palace with metal fences. Afterward, firearm detonations began.

"What happened in the Benito Juarez Municipal Palace is unacceptable," Quintana Roo's Public Security Secretary Alberto Capella tweeted.

"The Cancun police repelled a feminist protest with bullets. There is a journalist shot and two others assaulted."

"I condemn all acts of violence. I ordered an internal investigation into the events," Capella assured as he added that the local government will release the result with transparency.

Last weekend, two femicides occurred in Cancun in less than 24 hours. The women's bodies were found on Saturday and Sunday night.

Last year, Mexico registered 34,608 intentional homicides and 1,012 femicides, the highest data since records began. your social media marketing partner