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In Denver Another Deadly Protest Shooting
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=56603"><span class="small">Sam Tabachnik and Saja Hindi, The Denver Post</span></a>   
Sunday, 11 October 2020 12:57

Excerpt: "One person has died and another man, who 9News confirmed was a private security guard contracted by them, is in custody after a shooting during dueling protests Saturday in downtown Denver."

Two men yell at each other as another tries to break it up after a rally in Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado, on Oct. 10, 2020. (photo: Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)
Two men yell at each other as another tries to break it up after a rally in Civic Center Park in Denver, Colorado, on Oct. 10, 2020. (photo: Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post)

In Denver Another Deadly Protest Shooting

By Sam Tabachnik and Saja Hindi, The Denver Post

11 October 20

“Patriot rally” and “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive” both planned for Saturday

ne person has died and another man, who 9News confirmed was a private security guard contracted by them, is in custody after a shooting during dueling protests Saturday in downtown Denver.

9News reported that one of their employees and a contractor for the television station were taken into custody. It later confirmed the guard was contracted through Pinkerton and “that it has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to hire private security to accompany staff at protests.”

Police initially said two people were taken into custody but later said one of them was not involved in the incident. They tweeted that the suspect was a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa.

The incident occurred after a man participating in what was billed a “Patriot Rally” sprayed mace at another man. That man then shot the other individual with a handgun near the courtyard outside the Denver Art Museum, according to a Denver Post journalist who witnessed the incident.

In a news conference after the incident, division Chief Joe Montoya, said police could not confirm the shooter’s or the victim’s affiliations, but said the incident started as a verbal altercation. Two guns were found at the scene, he said, as well as a mace can.

When asked about the 9News report, Montoya said he could not confirm any connection, only saying that the department was still interviewing witnesses. One of those witnesses was a Denver Post photojournalist.

“We’re hopeful that as soon as possible we can get the factual information out as to what led to this — who the individuals involved were,” Montoya said. “We’re hopeful that that information will help kind of calm the waters a little bit.”

The rallies at Civic Center on Saturday came less than a month before a presidential election and amidst a global pandemic that has the nation on edge. Until the shooting, the protests mostly consisted of each group chanting and yelling at one another from across the amphitheater, which separated the two groups.

The right-wing protesters — led by John Tiegen, an El Paso County resident — gathered in the park’s amphitheater and occasionally chanted patriotic songs and held up banners.

Juan Quinones, a member of the biker gang Sons of Silence, decided to attend the right-wing rally after seeing Tiegan’s event posted online. He arrived after police had closed off the amphitheater but stayed with other right-leaning protesters.

Quinones said he wasn’t attending the event to start trouble, but he would defend himself if he was attacked. He blamed violence on the left.

“If you don’t come out and listen and talk and speak, then they win,” he said.

The left-wing group — which organizers called “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive” — held up flags and signs railing against Nazis and white supremacists as they gathered in the middle of the park, several hundred feet from the barricaded-off amphitheater.

An hour in, police had fired what appeared to be pepper balls after people from the leftist group started rattling a barrier headed into the amphitheater. One protester burned a thin-blue-line flag in front of the officers.

The soup drive idea appealed to Isabel Difrancesca, who said she came out because she liked the idea to help low-income folks. She brought pasta but said she was apprehensive about what’s she seen online in anticipation of events.

Richard Johnson and Amy Thompson were walking by the amphitheater when they passed by the rally.

“America, by and large, if you look at the media, thinks that most of America is for defunding the police and is the hard liberal left and wants to riot in the street, and I personally don’t believe the numbers bear that out,” Johnson said.

Barb Galinsky of Denver said she attended the counterprotest because “nobody is judge, jury and executioner and we need to go forward and not backwards.” She said white supremacist groups represent moving backward.

Galinsky said she expected violence at the event Saturday “because that’s what (the right-wing groups) want.”

James Rotten was manning the table of books about communism at the rally and the soup drive as a response to the original rally planned. He led chants such as, “No cops, no KKK, no fascist USA.”

“We think every far-right rally like this wants to be a dangerous race riot,” he said.

In anticipation of the heightened tensions, Denver police said the department “respects the right to peacefully assemble. Those who participate in protests, demonstrations, marches, or other gatherings, as protected by the First Amendment, are reminded to do so in a lawful manner. Individuals who choose to act outside of local, state and federal law, will be subject to citation or arrest.” your social media marketing partner
Last Updated on Sunday, 11 October 2020 12:58