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Colombia: Five Indigenous People Killed, 40 Kidnapped in Nariño
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=33791"><span class="small">teleSUR</span></a>   
Sunday, 27 September 2020 12:40

Excerpt: "Illegal armed groups Saturday killed five members of the Awa Indigenous community and kidnapped another 40 members after it broke into the Awa people's Inda Sabaleta reservation, in the Narino Department."

Awa Indigenous Community protests over the rising murders of their leaders, Nariño, Colombia, Aug. 18, 2020. (photo: Twitter/DianaDefensora)
Awa Indigenous Community protests over the rising murders of their leaders, Nariño, Colombia, Aug. 18, 2020. (photo: Twitter/DianaDefensora)

Colombia: Five Indigenous People Killed, 40 Kidnapped in Nariño

By teleSUR

27 September 20

"Colombia's President Ivan Duque must adopt urgent measures to protect the Awa people's human rights," National Indigenous Organization (ONIC) stated.

llegal armed groups Saturday killed five members of the Awa Indigenous community and kidnapped another 40 members after it broke into the Awa people's Inda Sabaleta reservation, in the Narino Department.

Colombia's National Indigenous Organization (ONIC) warned of the grave situation in the Inda Sabaleta Indigenous Reservation of the Awa People.

"The five dead people have not yet been investigated by forensic doctors, while the wounded have not been transferred to any hospital," the organization stated.

Since the early hours of Saturday morning, the town has recorded clashes between the armed group 'Los Contadores' and the 'Oliver Sinisterra front', who were trying to take over the territory completely.

The Oliver Sinisterra front held at least 40 indigenous people, including two or three minors, youth, women, and adults.

"The people held by the armed group were defenseless, they were civilians from the reservation, and their whereabouts remain unknown," ONIC reported.

The organization asked Colombia's President Ivan Duque and the Ombudsman's Office to "adopt urgent measures to protect this community's human rights." your social media marketing partner