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The Arctic Is Shifting to a New Climate Because of Global Warming
Written by <a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=54355"><span class="small">Henry Fountain, The New York Times</span></a>   
Monday, 14 September 2020 12:26

Fountain writes: "The effects of global warming in the Arctic are so severe that the region is shifting to a different climate, one characterized less by ice and snow and more by open water and rain, scientists said Monday."

The Polarstern, a German icebreaker taking part in a large multidisciplinary polar research expedition, in the Arctic Ocean in August. (photo: Steffen Graupner/MOSAiC)
The Polarstern, a German icebreaker taking part in a large multidisciplinary polar research expedition, in the Arctic Ocean in August. (photo: Steffen Graupner/MOSAiC)

The Arctic Is Shifting to a New Climate Because of Global Warming

By Henry Fountain, The New York Times

14 September 20

Open water and rain, rather than ice and snow, are becoming typical of the region, a new study has found.

he effects of global warming in the Arctic are so severe that the region is shifting to a different climate, one characterized less by ice and snow and more by open water and rain, scientists said Monday.

Already, they said, sea ice in the Arctic has declined so much that even an extremely cold year would not result in as much ice as was typical decades ago. Two other characteristics of the region’s climate, seasonal air temperatures and the number of days of rain instead of snow, are shifting in the same way, the researchers said.

The Arctic is among the parts of the world most influenced by climate change, with sharply rising temperatures, thawing permafrost and other effects in addition to shrinking sea ice. The study, by Lara Landrum and Marika M. Holland of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., is an effort to put what is occurring in the region in context.

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