
Excerpt: "A sit-in at Senator Grassley's Des Moines office to protest the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General ended with two arrested. Hugh Espey, Executive Director of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund, and Reddit Hudson, Regional Director for the NAACP, were the two people arrested. Grassley, as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has fast-tracked Sessions' confirmation process. Participants pledged not to leave the office until Grassley agrees to block Sessions' appointment, and were forcibly removed around 4:30. The sit-in was in response to Sessions' history of attacks on people of color, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community. NAACP National President Cornell Brooks participated in the protest, along with almost 100 other people."

Iowa Says NO to Jeff Sessions

By Scott Galindez, Reader Supported News

14 January 17

A sit-in at Senator Grassley's Des Moines office to protest the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

Iowa Says NO to Jeff Sessions from Reader Supported News on Vimeo. your social media marketing partner
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