I’m sorry, I can no longer defend the Republican Party

Written by Charles Patrick Adkins   
Friday, 09 December 2011 22:37
This special comment is a continuation of a short conversation that I had with my Mother earlier tonight. My friends, I am very sorry to report that I have come to the end of my ability to defend, agree with, and support the modern day Republican Party; at least with a straight face. As Michael Walsh said recently, the Republican Party has become the stupid party. As much as it pains me to have to admit this, Michael Walsh is right.(1)

The last time that the Republican Party had any sense of integrity, respect, and honor was on January 20, 1989, that was the day, that President Ronald Wilson Reagan left quietly for his flight back to California with a feeling of optimism for the Nation. This day was also the day that the era of Reagan’s Midwestern Conservative values of fiscal, social, and military restraint ended; and the proactive Neoconservative political ideology of George H.W. Bush was unleashed on America, commonly called “The New World Order.” This also was the foundation for the nightmare of big Government Conservatism under George W. Bush.

Yes, that is right my friends, I have reached the point of saying, “I am sorry, but this, I cannot any longer defend.” The Republican Party is headed square for a defeat in 2012; the people we are running are not Tea Party people; they are, in fact, Republican establishment people and the Democratic Party machine will chew them up and spit them out.

That is another thing, the Tea Party movement, what an utter waste of time, effort, and money. What did the grassroots Conservative get from all of that work? Not a damned thing ---- all we received out of that, was lip service from a beltway senator, who is the worst senator that any of the Tea Party faithful would ever want representing them in Congress ---- In other words folks, everyone that even remotely gave a damn about that Tea Party movement, were conned and conned badly.

I write this, not with sadness, but with utter disgust; we had a chance to make a major change in this Country, and we blew it and blew it bad. We had a chance to send the GOP a message of no more business as usual and the Tea Party failed and failed badly. The various Tea Party leaders, in exchange for access and respect, allowed the GOP establishment to co-op the movement. They, in turn, began to dictate the message. This, in turn, caused Glenn Beck’s original message and intent of the Tea Party to be muddled and be given a new message of Republicanism, and not the Constitutionalism that it originally was intended for in the first place.

If it sounds like there is a great deal cynicism in my writing here, it is because I am cynical and skeptical of the entire past 5 years that I have been writing as a “right of center.” All of it, as far as I am concerned, was for naught and the real cute part is; I did not make a damned dime on any of it. While people like Glenn Back became incredibly rich off the entire thing. I am still sitting here, five years later, with no job and little or no money at all ---- feeling like I was played like a damned fiddle.

Therefore, as of this early morning, I will be changing the politics of my Facebook profile to whatever it is now to simply independent. I no longer wish to be labeled anything at all. I not a Republican, I am just someone who is cynical, disgusted and quite skeptical of the entire political scene anymore here in America. I fear for the future of our Country, because I believe that its future is being pawned off, by people who are putting careers and politics first --- and our Nation, Our Children, and our well-being last.

(1) = http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/285050/stupid-party-michael-walsh

Crossed Posted from my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150408515603775
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