A Coup in Slow-Mo

Written by Philip Kraske   
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 19:45

Is anyone else feeling the footing unstable?
'Cause this looks a lot like an Aesop's fable,
Or Humpty Dumpty where all th'Estab men,
Would happily put him together again,
But only in exchange for a Syria or two,
Swipes at Vlad and a new villain to pursue. 

We begin our check with President Sporty,
Sniping at hackers and Prez Five-and-Forty,
Eager to discred him like no presi has,
Making me wonder if his cool is but jazz.
It's no way to treat the incoming new guy,
Unless he's a temp and you're in the loop why.

His successor of course is the King of all Kings,
Proud as Gadaffi with his bodyguard blings,
Who listens to naught but his barber's advice,
Melania on China, Ivanka on Daesh,
Burning the neocons who had it all planned:
An admin in Moscow that's at their command.

Then there's the barkers and partners in crimes,
Like the Company, Bureau, WaPo and Times.
Their cred has of late been taking a beating,
With Clapper's crew leaking and Comey word-eating.
'Twould seem the spies have nothing better to do,
Than ladle the media conspiracy stew. 

Which eat it with gusto and chuck back a tale,
Huge blackmail stories that make the tabs pale:
The elections were rigged at Putin's behest!
Those orgies and deals will shake Don down best!
All that remains is to defame that blond hair,
Proclaim it's a wig made of strands cut from Cher.

So I feel the ground shifting under my toe,
These massive contractions are a coup in slow-mo.
The Estab wants Trump out, just how it's not picky;
That or controlled, but with Don that's quite tricky.
In banana republics it's yearly conceptional,
But here in America we call it exceptional.



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