One Month After The Election, It’s Obvious: Electoral College Must Vote Against Trump

Written by B.T. Hill   
Tuesday, 13 December 2016 09:45

For most of us it was obvious from the get-go: Donald Trump was never fit to be president. His opening salvos regarding Mexicans and immigrants in June of 2015 were enough to disqualify him. The rest just went painfully downhill from there.

Those with critical minds & a faint knowledge of political process, watched as this Frankenstein monster bullied, insulted and deflected his way, stumbling through minefields strewn with lies. Political pundits, previous administration members, historians, Constitutional scholars, former and current world leaders, psychologists, past presidents and current members of the political community - the list is endless - attested that his personality was anything but "presidential."

It's been a month since his election.  It should be obvious to members of the Electoral College that, coupled with all the evidence in the campaign and everything since, Trump still should not be allowed to assume the presidency.

He didn't "become presidential" as some had hoped.  He's still behaving like a spoiled child, throwing hissy fits on Twitter when he's criticized.  The world stage is too delicate for such a reactive personality.

Protocol be damned. He's already defiantly ignored the norm in political processes and foreign policy and deemed unimportant daily intelligence briefings.  Donald Trump's fame and money has allowed him to do whatever he wants in life.  He's not about to stop now. The rules don't apply to him.  It's too reckless for an arrogant buffoon be given such power.

One of the tasks of the Electoral College is to see that a tyrant not be granted office of the president.  Trump's tyrannical leanings have made themselves apparent.  His desire to get even with people is well-documented. There is little doubt that he will not continue this in his presidency.

Another reason for the Electoral College to vote against him:  Recent intelligence findings of possible Russian interference in the election for the benefit of Donald Trump.  Can we say treason?

He refused to release his tax returns. We have no idea of the intricate web of international business dealings and investments from which he could profit as president. This is a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. It's very clear that he's stalling  in removing himself from direct involvement in the corporation, trying to finagle a way around it.

Involving family in matters of state is nepotism. He's already had his family present in dealings with foreign diplomats.   The meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe included Trump's daughter Ivanka, who was seeking to advance her business interests in Japan. She was also involved in a call to Argentinian Leader Mauricio Macri.  Last week the three eldest Trump children sat in on a meeting with tech giants from Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Tesla, IBM, Intel and Alphabet.  Ivanka's husband, Jared Kuschner, reportedly has been seeking ways to skirt the clause which prohibits family members in influential administration positions.

Trump's administration picks will systematically destroy what has taken decades to build. Ironically, each of them has shown to be adversarial to the agency they've been selected to lead. Most have no experience in the field while others have histories contrary to the goals set by that agency.  None of them will act in the best interests of this country, its citizens or the environment. They are all pro-corporate, willing to hand yet more power to the rich and decimate the lives of the average American.

This is a horrible joke, one played out on those who actually voted for him. They were duped into thinking that he was going to "Make America Great Again." No, he's going to make America's rich more wealthy, giving corporations more power to set policy and run rampant.  "We The People" will be screwed as never before. If you think things are bad now, just wait. The sad thing is the entire world will suffer, too.

It is the job of the Electoral College to act as a safeguard so a despot, a tyrant does not take office.  Donald Trump is such a man.  It prevents one who cannot be trusted, who has acted in treasonous ways, or who will not uphold the Constitution, from entering the office of president. Donald Trump is this man.

In his ignorance, arrogance and bluster:  He is dangerous.

It has been one month and during this time we've seen all we need to see. What is coming is disaster.  Let's hope that the members of the Electoral College see this too, and work for our country, its citizens and the entire planet to deny Donald Trump the presidency. your social media marketing partner
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