Our Call To Arms!

Written by Rosalyn Saz   
Sunday, 27 November 2016 12:15

Our Call To Arms

Sound out the trumpets, and strike up the band

We have a new leader to guide our great land.

Egomania notwithstanding, he’ll raise his right hand,

and vow to uphold the laws of the land.

But first…

Get the golden throne ready, the castle awaits!

The White House’s not gilded enough for his taste.

The trappings of office must be velvets and gold,

with serfs dressed in livery as in days of old.

Our whole land is his to sell off or use,

and we are his serfs to use or abuse.

Majority rule is a thing of the past…unless or until,

we wake up to our power and unite in our will.

We believe in the constitution and majority rule.

The first lesson in democracy as taught us in school.

We must be forever vigilant against sneaky assaults,

defend our democracy with all its’ faults.

Continue the fight with ideals and with honesty,

for we want our America fulfilling its’ destiny.

So get off your seat and get on your feet.  Walk, talk, preach, teach, and make sure that the world knows that the majority of Americans did NOT choose Trump.  Never did, never will. Let us not go gentle into that dark night.

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