buckle up

Written by Gregg Herreid   
Sunday, 13 November 2016 03:46

Buckle up all you buttercup progressives

I am a liberal, a Classical Liberal of the old school. Maybe that makes me right wing, I don’t know. Progressives can look it up. They are likely nice people but way too bossy. I would rather we boss ourselves instead of rule over others or be ruled. “Live and let live” is good, an idea to consider.  It is ok though, no one will obey dictators unless they control the use of force. We just fixed that  for a while.

The thing is that no one has a right to interfere in the life of another. Freedom then means there is not a right not to be offended;  that government that takes from one to give to another will invariably become  dictatorships it is a thievery that freedom cannot allow. Real freedom demands that no state or group of states has a right to own or control land or  resources in another state any more than another nation. Thieves can all  bug off now. Progressive may crawl back under their rock.

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