Write in “Constitutional Convention” in the Presidential Slot 2016?

Written by Ken Driessen   
Sunday, 30 October 2016 10:15

First, here is the first article I wrote on Article V, Constitutional Convention Published September 28th 2016 in a local Wisconsin news paper:

Time for a US Revolution?

According to several surveys, a majority of Americans don't like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. I refuse to be drawn into the lesser of two evils scenario. If I were to vote for someone for president I think is a criminal, I would be giving my blessing to their criminal activity becoming an accomplice to their crimes. Yes, the US government borrowing fiat money from a private international banking cartel, which the Federal Reserve is, is unconstitutional and criminal. Yes, being the number one nation in weapons sales, number one in wars of aggression, number one in overthrowing elected governments, number one supplier of weapons to ISIS; all in an effort to corporatize the planet making a few greedy American war lords rich as oil sheikhs; is a crime of unconscionable proportion. All this while totally ignoring the fact that increased human population depletes and pollutes natural resources that our quality of lives, our very survival depends upon. War displaces far more people than it kills using more resources while lowering people's quality of life, resulting in those being attacked hating the aggressors. Statistics prove that when nations are relatively stable and human needs are met, people tend to have less children and population stabilizes or goes down a bit. As John Kennedy said, "Our problems are man-made — therefore, they can be solved by man...No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”, we need leaders dedicated to solving our problems rather than causing them. After they assassinated John F. Kennedy, the shadow government made the presidency into a military industrial corporate lap dog mouthpiece position; no president can change this nation into a constitutional democracy where government power is derived from a mandate of the majority; the system is antiquated, fatally flawed.


What can I do? When the morals of everyday average citizens are of a higher more humane fabric than that of those so called leaders, we need to organize and change our government. As much as I am against their system, thinking it criminal, I think we should begin by trying to work within the system. I thought of writing in 'Revolution” for president, or that is where my feelings about it all lead. Then I thought that even if the US Constitution is not perfect and the current government has made it void, I would prefer to live under a Constitutional Republic with a valid constitution rather than one ruled by a crime family. So in reading the Constitution, the best instrument to call for change from within is Article 5, which allows for the calling of a constitutional “Convention” in order to address problems of our nation and government; to make necessary changes to achieve the goals outlined in the Preamble of the said Constitution. Therefore on November 8, 2016 I am going to write in the words, “Constitutional Convention” on the ballot instead of voting for any person for President.


****long version revised  under next title submitted by me****

I'm not claiming to be any sort of expert or clairvoyant but four years ago after deciding that both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were too corporate and militaristic to vote for without having a guilty conscience. So after some thought and study, I wrote in Bernie Sanders. Even in progressive circles I feel that most people would say I wasted my vote. Look how far Bernie Sanders came since 2012 and how he championed the causes I believe in. History now proves that if the diligent voter of 2012 also believed that corporate power, wealth and corruption should be restrained and that weapons sales and waging imperial war for the profit of the few is not part of a civilized economy, I believe those that who share these humane values and voted for Obama, wasted their vote.

On to 2016: I am writing “Constitutional Convention” in the Presidential slot on the ballot November 8, 2016. I cannot in clear conscience vote for Donald or Hillary. I have studied some of what Gary Johnson says and although I like the libertarian slant, I do not agree with his version of liberty. I do agree with much of the Green Party platform, yet I don't believe Jill Stein has the ability to make the changes I believe necessary even if she was elected, which chance of happening is zero to nil. Why do I feel using my presidential vote to express my discontent by writing in my will instead of a person for president? Why do I wholeheartedly desire the writing of a new, much revised constitution and the formation of a new North American government by any other name is necessary? Well, here is my short list of grievances:


*In spite of the lofty wording of the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution, concerning the rights of all men, the majority of the signers were land owning slave holders who practiced genocide against the Native Peoples had no intention of granting those said rights to anybody but themselves let alone to women.

*This government, this business, operating as the USA, has almost continually since the founding of their government entity allowed and maintained allegiance to private international banking interests by granting them unconstitutional Charters and Acts to allow them a monopoly over our monetary system to profit off the trade of our own mutual goods and services.

*The lawmakers have granted citizenship rights to corporate entities to award immunity to such individuals as would utilize such entities to relieve themselves and the investor class from criminal liability and responsibility for actions so obviously and willfully undertaken against the best interests of the vast common majority, against the well being of the nation as a whole and against nature, against the cause of preserving a healthy natural environment. The officials of this government use their representative powers to make laws and appropriations along with Wall Street, stock market business establishment mechanisms to reward themselves by investing and profiting from corporations awarded contracts connected to the legislation they write.

*This government promotes war and civil unrest world wide to maintain high profit margin from their investment portfolios, their investments in the military industrial complex. They do not fund or risk or use their own money to pay for such imperial military ventures and expenditures, they charge the cost of their folly to common taxpaying people who receive no profit from installing dictators and totalitarian tyrants to oversee the hijacking of the people's resources and labors.

*They have corrupted the court system and reduced it into a mechanism through which justice is bought rather than decided by impartial judicial branch maintained by sworn in upholders and believers in a valid constitution as the basis all laws and judicial proceedings. In other words any notion of justice is something that must be bought and paid for by the highest bidder. The current system of judicial decision making process is biased by moneyed interest to the point of utter disrepute. They sanction and justify police violence and law enforcement's blatant abuse of it's authority without regard for citizen's rights.

*A legitimate 21st century government would be based upon a constitution which includes natural democratic rights of the majority of the people to determine the laws and appropriation of public funds which they are to live under and within. Such a new constitution would certainly include national people's referendum and recall rights in addition to establishing meaningful ways for every citizen to be involved in the government's decision making process concerning laws and appropriations such as those being necessary to the health, well being and longevity of it's people and ecological natural life sustaining systems. Our current governmental officials by means of the power and structure of the antiquated system that put them in power, with their immense egos and elitist attitudes would never ever consider establishing such humane, egalitarian, democratic rights and principles to a well educated populous let alone to a populous dummied up by their propaganda, being spoon fed, trained to accept corruption and unnatural wealth disparity impossible to attain without a system that encourages and legalizes such pathological infinite greed and wealth in the hands of the few.


Therefore in hopes and humble action toward building a true humane egalitarian democracy upon the smoldering ashes of a crazed pathologically criminal capitalist cabal experiment gone bad from the very beginning, I will continue to write “Constitutional Convention” in the presidential slot. That slot being the only place and time any facade of democratic, majority power, is given to 'We the People' of this country by the current de facto unconstitutional illegitimate government. Until this government it is changed to reflect some of my hopes, as a concerned citizen, every four years so long as it takes, as long as I may live I will Write in “Constitutional Convention”. Please consider doing the same.

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