Trump knows exactly what he is doing and why it will work if there isn't a massive effort to inform voters and get them to the polls

Written by George Monroe   
Thursday, 04 August 2016 13:45

Trump knows exactly what he is doing and why it will work if there isn’t a massive effort to inform voters and get them to the polls.

He knows that oligarchs and power hungry fascist dreamers the world over surreptitiously offer him encouragement to take over and rein in this American democracy that thwarts their aspirations. He knows that he can count on them to help finance misleading propaganda. He expects that they will support trickery to steal and suppress votes. He knows that his supporters are so fired up by his heated theatrical presentations that they will turn out to vote for him “come hell or high water.”

In a science based essay published on RawStory August 4, 2016, neuroscientist and science writer Bobby Azarian, who is affiliated with George Mason University, reviews extensive research showing that the unbridled loyalty of Trump supporters is automatic and not influenced by logic or reason. Fear keeps his followers energized and focused on the belief that he has the ability to make them safe. He has unique ability to hold his followers attention and keep them aroused. His showmanship and simple messages resonate at a visceral level. People overlook gaffes and excesses that would normally be seen as highly offensive because of his aura as their protector.

There are enough of these deceived but highly motivated folks to claim the presidency for Trump and usher in a fascist government that will spell the end of free America. Unaware but highly motivated Trump supporters will show up at the polls and exercise their right to vote while unwittingly enabling a dictator who will move quickly to institute fascistic reforms. His appointments of justices to the Supreme Court will be the nails in the coffin that eradicate the final traces of our precious democracy.

Highly committed Trump supporters will come out and vote for him in very large numbers. The only way to avoid disaster is for many more people to vote for Hillary Clinton and her compatriots. Those who know what’s at stake must offer to share it with those who aren’t so well informed. The polls must be manned with trustworthy and caring progressives. Miles must be walked and doorbells must be rung. Rides to the polls must be offered to those who need them. Neighborhood rallies and block parties must be held to educate and energize those who are disconnected or distracted. The enormous effort that went into the first election of President Obama must be revived and expanded. The level of that effort must be topped this time to gain a President and enough members of congress to support a government of, by, and for the people of the United States of America. That’s it. Disaster or Better (than ever) days. Your choice. your social media marketing partner
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