How Green is my Valet?

Written by Jack Kerwin   
Friday, 15 July 2016 13:26
As has been stated often before in reference to the value of platforms, often by Green Party advocates.
“Platforms don't mean squat”! Where the hell does that leave the Green Party, whose existence and identity depends on their Platform, of which the great unwashed voting public knows nothing, while the name, Jill Stein, means even less. You don't have much time left to educate the finely focused masses about the virtues of Jill Stein and the Green Party. You can start with me about Jill, whom I only know through the chatter of her anti-Dem advocates on this forum. I accept your word that she is an outstanding citizen, though I am quite disturbed that she would expect Bernie to be her running mate as veep,as initially reported, instead of stepping aside for him, a perfect fit for leading a Socialist party, like the Green. I am also somewhat discombobulated by her support for the Brexiters. By the way, is it true that the Green Party does not support labor unions as, I believe lorenbliss seems to have said. If true, then they will be as useless as a rowboat without oars. Their dedicated advocates would have to find a new Yellow Brick Road to nowhere

For the time being, let's assume they are of a Socialist bent. For the faint of heart, we'll call them Progressives, rather than Socialists, or, for those with delicate tastes, how about Democratic Socialists. I'm any one of them; take your choice. However, I am also a realist, which would make me a Democrat, i.e., the only legitimate, viable vote now (in 2016 AD), not ten years from now) that can advance the causes that Bernie champions. Yes, that's right, if you consider yourself Green, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Democratic Socialist, or, most importantly, you believe in social justice and a government of, by, and for the people; you must not allow the GOP to retain or increase their power. Its influence over the media and their obstruction of the pursuit of good government has corrupted the cause of social justice since the time of FDR, the full span of my voting lifetime. On election day, a vote for any Democrat, whether it be Hillary, Bernie or the Boston Strangler, would be the only way to advance and sustain the goals of Bernie and his followers, of which I am a dedicated believer. This is the road that Bernie has chosen and has followed every step of the way. Why do you think he has always caucused with the Democrats and is a candidate of the same party. He realizes the obvious, which seems to escape a sizable portion of the electorate; that only a Democrat or a Republican will win the election!

Even more important, it will help determine the composition of both houses of congress and the eventual Supreme Court! Let's stop being suckers for the purveyors of BS about celebrities and personalities; we're not electing an emperor. We can be electing the party, Dem or Rep, that will actually manage the direction of government through their selection of committee chairs, cabinet members, and the Supreme Court, for whom the majority party has the final say. Which branch of govt. had the most impact, e.g., during the Obama administration; the Executive (President), or the Legislative (both houses of congress), who shut down the govt. two times and is still impeding Obama's Supreme Court selection? Who forced Obamacare to be watered down to a weak version of what was intended; and then criticized it for not being more inclusive? If you have Progressive, Liberal, Socialist Democratic, or Green leanings; you cause can only be advanced by voting Democrat. If you think that the profit motive is the end-all/be-all of civilization, vote Republican. Those inclined to vote Green as a statement of their Socialist ideals would be harming their own cause, which can only be advanced by placing Bernie in a position of power if the party of which he is a candidate wins the election. He has already gained a huuge amount of respect and influence, which would not have happened if not for his campaign.

Bernie is no longer just a senator from from one of the smallest states; he is “The Senator”. His power can only grow from here on as a major influence in the Democratic party, not the Green or any other platform but the Democratic party. This appears to have been his plan from the start, and not being President is not going to slow him down one bit; in fact, I think it gives him more leeway and freedom to pursue his crusade. This is something he could not due as an independent or as a third party leader; only as a leader, possibly Senate Majority Leader of one of the two major parties, and it sure ain't the party of profit or perish Republicans. Why the Democrats?...because they have the only viable base of Progressives to grow and pick up where the New Dealers left off

I'm not knocking the Green; If they are what their platform says they are , I'm ready to join them the day after election day: but they're in no position now to be of any help to Bernie or his cause. Face it; the Green Party cannot be considered a serious contender for any federal office in their present status as an unknown and untested entity in the national arena, even though they sponsored Nader in 2000. the voting public remembers Nader, but not his party. The only part that they could play now would be as a spoiler for the advancement of progressive ideals and an enabler of the continuing decline of social justice under the auspices of the GOP. Unfortunately, many members of the Green Party seem to be following a planned path of propaganda to debase the Democrats by using Hillary Clinton as a stalking horse to conceal what could be a plan to undermine the Democratic party, whom they plan to eventually replace with a more pure form of Socialism. What other possible reason could the socialist Greens have for avoiding criticism of the true enemy, the GOP. A review of readers' comments for RSN articles featuring Hillary will reveal an avalanche of vindictiveness toward Hillary/Dems that neither Hitler, Hirohito, or Mussolini evoked; while never is heard a discouraging word about the GOP, whose steaming piles of manufactured horse manure continue to pile up unnoticed. Make no mistake about a GOP victory. Their purpose of existence is to prevent any intrusion against the Greed Before Need philosophy that is their prime directive. The force they fear the most is Socialism and they will use any means to destroy it.. The Democrats do have the power, organization and candidates to prevent this and nurture the ascendancy of Socialism.

For the Green to be a viable choice, it would help if they had some established federal office holders, at least, as evidence of their efficacy. To expect the electorate to vote for a party whose candidates, including Jill Stein, have zero resumes with a platform which the average voter doesn't even know exists, is not realistic. The Dems do have all the tools necessary, including the only Progressive office holders in government. plus those waiting in the wings, such as Tammy Duckworth, Ted Strickland, Maggie Hassan, Tim Canova Jeff Merkle, Russ Feingold, Catherine Cortez Masto, Jason Kander, Michael Bennet, Ron Wyden, Patty Murray, etc. And let's not forget the current 70+ Democrat members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. I believe this is the path Bernie has chosen. Go Dems. Let's return to the glory days of FDR! First; let's get rid of Blue Dogs and Republicans!

Just imagine; on election day, what would be the choice of supporters of (Democratic) Socialism, Bernie's mission, if faced with these options:
Democratic (any candidate)
Green Party
Republican (any candidate)
Write-in (Bernie)
Based on the indisputable reality of the winner being either Democrat or Republican, a Democratic vote would be the only possible way to advance and sustain Bernie's mission. A Green or write-in vote would only take away votes from Bernie's mission and open the door for Republicans to regain their goals of repression of democracy, for the benefit of the money changers and profiteers. Forget Social Security and Medicare. Making them disappear is an act they have been prepping on for years.

Anyone who thinks that they are making a statement for the future by voting Bernie write-in or the Green ticket, there won't be any future for making amends; the GOP will take care of that. your social media marketing partner
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