Hillary Clinton will be the last Zionist president of the United States

Written by Eric Resnick   
Saturday, 11 June 2016 02:17
Hillary Clinton will be the last Zionist president of the United States. It won’t matter whether she serves four or eight years, she will be the end of a long string of presidents since Truman. No need for fear. This will be a great development that is long past due, giving America the chance to grow into being a better nation, and force Israel to join the world of law abiding nations, no excuses, if it wants to survive.

Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is a full throated Zionist, inextricably entrenched in the agenda of the Israel Lobby, the powerful political arm of Zionism.

Zionism, sometimes referred to as Israeli nationalism and exceptionalism, began in 1897 with three goals: 1.) Establishment of a Jewish state, 2.) Fulfilling the biblical passages of Deuteronomy 30:1-5, where Moses is said to have promised that Jews would return to what is now Israel after a long exile due to sin, and, 3.) Liberation of Jews from persecution, mostly in Europe.

Since 1948, however, in implementing these goals, Zionism has become deceptive, ruthless, violent, corrupt, and arguably as oppressive to the Palestinians it found in Palestine as anything diaspora Jews faced in Europe. Today, one cannot practice Zionism without supporting Israel’s ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Zionism is a nationalist political movement and should never be confused with Judaism, though Zionists, both Jewish and Christian, falsely accuse those who oppose Zionism and Israel’s policies of “anti-semetism.”

To the alarm of the Israel Lobby, the roughly 30 organizations led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the world is changing, and American attitudes are changing. Even Jews are changing, and a Zionist dominated U.S. policy will not last forever. It might not even survive the platform fight at the Democratic National Convention.

Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, dropped the dime on AIPAC in March when he skipped their convention and went on to deliver in Salt Lake City the speech AIPAC would not allow by video at their event. The speech explicitly used the word “occupation” to correctly describe what Israel is doing to Palestine. The “O word” is heresy to Zionists and not likely to be uttered by Hillary Clinton.

Sanders called for more of the kind of stuff that sets off apoplexy among Zionists – evenhandedness, and recognizing the dignity of Palestinians.

None of this is radical. In fact, it is deeply human, and in the minds of many, stops short, too. Nor did Bernie Sanders cause these beliefs to surface. He merely reflected changes in attitude that were already happening, and gave permission for Democrats to live up to their values in Philadelphia, where a fight will no doubt be waged. The speech caused Sanders’ popularity to increase, which no doubt, also caused distress at AIPAC.

This is not the first fight Democrats have had over Zionism. In 2012, over the objections of a majority of delegates, and with an embarrassing, rigged voice vote done at the behest of President Obama, the DNC returned platform language recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital that was removed in 2008.

This year, with the moral clarity of Dr. Cornel West and James Zogby on the Platform Committee, Sanders has all but guaranteed that any Zionist attempts at hijacking this convention will be met with peril.

The sky didn’t fall when Bernie waved his finger in AIPAC’s face. More importantly, the media has figured out that this is a real issue, so people are talking about it now. Since Zionism can only thrive under the cover of darkness and propaganda, this alone is a huge defeat for those who support it.

Regardless of the outcome of the platform battle, Zionists are losing the war. They know it, too, which is why we see Zionists reaching into state capitols for laws punishing Americans’ freedom of speech pertaining to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement known as BDS. BDS is very effective, and it is spreading, so the Zionist response is to declare it hate speech (which it clearly isn’t) and use state police powers to stop people from supporting it.

Such acts of desperation are usually not those of winners.

The marks of Zionist Hasbara used to be non-Jewish people of influence, attempting to convince them to support Israel no matter what, uncritically and unconditionally, and that Israel is always virtuous and the victim. Increasingly, the mark of Zionist Hasbara are Jews who need coerced into the mental jujitsu required to square Zionism with their conscience, other politics, and traditional Jewish values.

Most American Jews don’t have the same relationship to Zionism their grandparents did, and the more they see the reality of Zionism, the less they like it. Faith in Israel is no longer a substitute for theology or values.

The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey signaled changes in Jewish attachment to Israel. Since, the Pew Poll has also found that younger Jews’ attitudes about Israel are changing. Even neoconservative Zionist Elliott Abrams has had to admit it is happening.

American Jews are increasingly uncomfortable with Israel’s government. Prime Minister Netanyahu is offensive, and his meddling in American politics does not sit well. Neither did his racist, xenophobic campaign. Avigdor Lieberman heading the Israeli military is not likely to endear American hearts, either.

Israeli settlements make many American Jews nervous, and they are correctly viewed as impediments to a two-state solution, which American Jews overwhelmingly want (despite Israel’s greed and dishonesty having made it impossible), and for which they are willing to carry the torch.

American Jews are increasingly realizing that Israel is occupying Palestine, and they don’t like it. More importantly, American Jews are becoming less comfortable excusing what Israel is doing there. The 2008-09, 2012, and 2014 massacres and infrastructure destruction in Gaza cross lines that enlightened American Jews hoped Israel would never cross. Israel’s Apartheid Wall in the West Bank runs counter to values American Jews hold dear in every other corner of their lives.

While the majority of American Jews are not vocal about what they are feeling, the feelings are real, and organizations like J Street and Jewish Voice for Peace, which give those feelings voice, are growing every day. Individual congregations are having discussions once unimaginable. This is Zionism’s worst nightmare.

Just as police forces across the U.S. have learned the power of electronic technology in the hands of citizens, Israel is learning it can no longer lie with impunity about what it does to Palestinians. The crimes of its brutal military occupation are being posted daily. They can no longer credibly deny crimes, and neither can American Jews. It’s impossible to claim that these things are made up as some sort of anti-semetic plot anymore.

Learning the reality of Israel’s behavior makes America’s Zionist foreign policy harder to understand or tolerate.

Falsely claiming they were based in “anti-semitism,” the United States has protected Israel and Zionism from 42 UN Security Council resolutions for sanctions. As reality sets in, the U.S. government will have a harder time justifying future actions of this kind to Americans.

The U.S. government will also have a hard time justifying the $5 billion per year it sends to Israel, or more significantly, why so much U.S. foreign policy is about supporting Israel’s occupation of Palestine, which Americans increasingly don’t support.

As we’re also learning, most U.S. security and military conundrums are rooted in our relationship with Israel, including our disastrous intervention in Syria “to help Israel,” and to help President Obama ease his “tension” with Netanyahu. This Syrian intervention has, of course, strengthened ISIS. Israel is an insatiable and expensive “friend.”

The 2003 Iraq invasion was also to benefit Israel, as was our military intervention in Libya that resulted in assassination of that nation’s president, Muammar Qadddafi.

Americans are tiring of these colonialist middle east wars, and as awareness increases, so will animosity toward the Zionist policies behind them. Since the Cold War ended in 1989, Israel is no longer strategically important to the U.S. against the former Soviet Union.

Age will also claim Sheldon Adelson, 82, and Haim Saban, 71. These two diabolical billionaires, who support Republicans and Hillary Clinton respectively, bankroll to some extent, nearly all Zionist activity in Washington, D.C. They believe Israel should come before U.S. interests, and they use their vast wealth to get their way. Were they not powerful billionaires, it might be tempting to call their activity treasonous.

So what will happen when Zionism no longer dominates U.S. presidents and foreign and military policy?

Well, the U.S. will be better off, and able to pay attention to other world matters and domestic needs.

American Jews will learn to live their liberal world values without Zionist contradiction.

Palestinians will be safer, hopefully in a sovereign Palestine.

Israel too, will be better off, in that their policies will have to survive on merit. Without Zionist U.S. protection, its policies will have to moderate. It will have to become a citizen of the world, instead of being excused from it. In other words, if Israel wants to survive, it would need to grow up and act like a responsible adult.

A Zionist-free U.S. government is coming. It is inevitable. It is not coming fast enough, but it will happen. The 2016 Democratic National Committee platform fight will be progress no matter how it ends.

If you’re a Zionist, savor it. You’re not likely to see it again. And Zionists will not own another president after Hillary Clinton. There just won’t be support for it. Zionism’s time is slipping away.
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