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Thursday, 09 June 2016 09:10

“When the doctrine of allegiance to party can utterly up-end a man’s moral constitution and make a temporary fool of him besides, what excuse are you going to offer for preaching it, teaching it, extending it, perpetuating it? Shall you say, the best good of the country demands allegiance to party? Shall you also say it demands that a man kick his truth and his conscience into the gutter, and become a mouthing lunatic, besides?”
-Mark Twain

I cast a vote for Jill Stein, Green Party, in the closed CA primary.

We move now into the browbeating phase of the 2016 Presidential Election circus. Democrats are out in force today telling you that you must cheer lead for Hillary Rodham Clinton because: Trump Monster.

This was Plan A all along. It is the usual. It is a cliche. It is an abomination: the greater evil. A system that can only produce evil is an evil system, supported–it would seem–by evil people, whether mindless or mindful of their own actions. The bodies pile up regardless. In the final distillation there are many, many evil people inhabiting this country.

I can say that openly because I’m not running for office. I’ll not name names, and there are too many to count, their pleas sure to pile upon one another as the conventions approach. Today it’s an assault on Bernie Sanders’ supporters. Tomorrow, perhaps the Green Party will be under attack with the same fear-based propaganda.

What is true evil? Half a million dead Syrians for starters, and the American populace remains pig ignorant of their own government’s role in that slaughter. Barack Obama can do no wrong, facts be damned. Obama’s foreign policy continues the “friendship” with the most vile, murderous, psychotic, terror-supporting regimes on the planet. For some reason that isn’t considered an issue for Democrats where the same behavior was problematic when Bush did it.

Hillary was on the same side as the Jihadists in Libya, 2011, where the US illegally bombed the government forces there and allowed radical Sunni brigades to take over much of the country. Today they are ISIS in Libya. Heckuva job.

Hillary Clinton personally sold the same Iraq War Crime, with the same exact lies as Bush and Cheney, vouching for Bush’s WMD fantasy!

That’s not even an issue for today’s Democrats. How can such crass, nauseating hypocrisy pass as normal? The only response that adds up is: evil. These are evil people living comfortably, smugly complacent and without consciences.

Self-delusion is immoral. That’s why I could never again be a Democrat. The two parties are criminal syndicates, protection rackets. I was burned badly enough by Slick Willie in the 90s. He seemed a welcome relief from the Reagan/Bush reign of terror, but Bill was never what he seemed to be. Clinton’s imperial aggression continued covertly.

The Democrat foreign policy of aggression differs from Republicans only in style: covert vs. overt / coalition vs. unilateral. The obvious common goal of dominating the entire planet is consistent across both parties, and the same ghoulish advisers show up year after year: Kissinger, Brzezinski. These people never see the insides of cells.

Hillary Clinton’s established record in provoking Russia into a new Cold War should give everyone pause. She helped put the United States of America on the same side as Al Qaeda in a hot war shooting at Russians in northern Syria. It’s all fun and games until somebody gets nuked.

The larger question today would be whether this nakedly belligerent empire deserves to implode under its own hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy? Perhaps the next generation can see the horror for what it is and refuse to sign its soul away to go kill and die in foreign wars of imperial domination. Perhaps the people of the world will turn their backs and engage elsewhere, rather than with duplicitous covert serial murderers like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

I’ve often noted that the corporate-state we live under is fascism according to Mussolini; he should know. The true difference between Democrats and Republicans comes down to Smiling-Fascism versus Sneering-Fascism (TM).

We have become a Fourth Reich, a loosely sustainable fascistic system of corporate graft, weapons to destabilize the world, and non-stop propaganda. The truth is dead, of no value in this economy (I know well), and seldom seen. Any positive “American values” espoused have become primarily marketing slogans. Freedom? That’s code for US corporations to freely take your resources, or else we will bomb you. Democracy? That’s stealing primary elections for Hillary (or some other establishment cog like Bush Jr.), to pretend that the people had a voice when they never actually did.

American democracy isn’t.

“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
-Stalin your social media marketing partner
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