Michael Moore’s “WHERE TO INVADE NEXT:” A Testimony Of Where We Should Be

Written by B.T. Hill   
Monday, 15 February 2016 22:26
“WE THE PEOPLE” are pissed off! It has come to the forefront in the 2016 election, an outgrowth of 40 years of frustration and disparity of the working class, the recession of 2008 and the “Occupy” movement.

Through the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, we have learned that the United States is far behind the majority of nations regarding universal heath care, paid family leave, income disparity, worker’s rights and prison systems as well as other issues.

Michael Moore has made the most important film befitting issues of the 2016 election. “WHERE TO INVADE NEXT” is not a picture advocating a military invasion as the title suggests, but rather expose on the disparities between the lives of American citizens and those of most of the countries around the world.

Moore travels to Italy, Tunisia, Iceland, Solvenia, Germany, Finland, Portugal, Norway and France. He interviews CEOs, citizens, school administrators, police, government officials – even meeting with the President of Solvenia, Borut Paho. Scenes showing workers in a Ducati plant and in a Faber-Castell pencil factory in Germany portray a much different way of life than here in the States. He ventures into prisons in Iceland and Germany, speaking with guards and inmates. The difference between our law enforcement and criminal justice system is astounding!

My purpose here is not to describe in detail the movie. No — it is for you to see firsthand.

This is humanity or should I rephrase it into HUMANE-ITY.

These are humane ways for a society to behave. Programs detailed in “WHERE TO INVADE NEXT” treat citizens with value, courtesy and respect – something sadly and profoundly lacking here in the supposed most advanced country in the world.

Sociologically, this might be a glimpse into our overwhelming problem of violence in America. Just like the knowledge that if you continuously beat a dog it will turn mean, we have become an increasingly violent society. Why?

Because we are not cared for or respected. We have been abandoned, left to sink or swim.

Most of us are sinking.

Could it be that the “me, me, me” attitude of corporate greed and political corruption has been the stick that has far too long beaten “We The People?”

Would it be so wrong if our society could adopt some of these policies to restore respect to the citizens of this country?

This picture will resonate with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters, but it is relevant too, to the dissatisfaction felt by Trump followers.

“WHERE TO INVADE NEXT” is where we could be. It’s possible but we have to insist on it – together – and work for change. For those who say we can’t afford it – I say we can no longer afford not to! As described in the film in scenes filmed at the Berlin Wall, all the rights we enjoy today started out as chips in the wall…, and eventually the wall fell.

This is an incredibly important film that should be seen by every voter, regardless of political affiliation.
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