Hillary and Bernie Speak for Herself and Us

Written by guomashi   
Wednesday, 10 February 2016 07:06
Excerpt from Bernie's NH victory speech in New Hampshire

We have sent a message that will echo from Wall Street to Washington, from Maine to California, and that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people...

Nine months ago we began our campaign here in New Hampshire.
We had no campaign organization,
we were taking on the most powerful political organization in the United States of America.

Tonight, with what appears to be a record breaking voter turnout, because of a huge voter turnout -- and I say huge,
we won.
we harnessed the energy, and the excitement that the Democratic party will need to succeed in November.

Excerpt from Hillary's NH concession speech

I know
I have some work to do, particularly with young people, but
I will repeat again what
I have said this week. Even if they are not supporting me now,
I support them. Because I know --
I know
I've had a blessed life, but
I also know what it's like to stumble and fall.

Maybe someone should tell Hillary it's not about her, but about us?

Of course, the excerpts are cherry picked on paper. However, close listening only emphasizes the difference in emphases between the candidates.

If Hillary comes across as insincere, it is likely because the primary point of her campaign is quite obviously her personal ambition. Even if her ambition is altruistic, it is still personal. She is definitely not interested in changing the way government works. She is interested in exploiting the way government works.

Maybe, just maybe, we are tired of people who are promising to fight for us. Participatory democracy means we fight. We have all had enough of promises from self-interested politicians trying to hitch a ride on the gravy train. We no longer trust you, or any other “I” to do it for us. We want to get involved and get it done.

If the democratic party gives the nomination to Clinton on the basis of super delegates in spite of the majority of votes going to Sanders, they will be deader than the Republican party. As one famous former democrat has said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Translation for modern times: Feel the Bern or feel the burn.

It has come to that.
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