Written by James and Jean Anton   
Wednesday, 03 February 2016 01:19

“Six Caucus Coin Tosses In Clinton's Favor Give Hillary Tiny Lead,” – Bob Kall, OpEd News, 2 January 2016

Coin tosses?
Isn’t something serious at stake here? For some people, raising the minimum wage, or expanding Social Security, or Medicare-For-All, all of which Hillary opposes, are matters of life and death. Some people are offended by the very idea of their life being decided by a coin toss.

But, yep, that’s right, coin tosses. In at least six different precincts, they claimed there was a tie and decided to award delegates by a coin toss, and lo and behold, heads-Hillary-wins, Tails-Bernie-Loses EVERY TIME. EVERY TIME!!! No actual vote count was provided. We will never know who won the popular vote.

Not even the consummately evil Republican Party decides who they will screw with a coin toss. They report the actual vote totals. In Iowa, the Democratic Party reports SDEs (State Delegate Equivalents–don’t ask???), instead of the vote count.
WTF! Why do they use SDEs? What are they? What do they look like? Why are they preferable to people’s votes.

On top of this, the Democratic party establishment did not send impartial staffers to 90 caucus sites and is “now reaching out to the candidates themselves for help reporting the data, which means that precinct captains from the rival campaigns will have to self-report totals from the caucus.” Self report?
That’s like asking Jeb Bush to explain the hanging chads.

Might not accuracy matter? The official tally gave Hillary 710 and Bernie 697 SDEs (whatever that obfuscation means), which is a very tiny ‘victory” at best (but does not include the super-delegates whom Hillary has in her pockets, who can vote for whomever they want regardless of whom their precinct supports).
Suppose someone counted wrong. Suppose someone was dishonest? Suppose what they determined was a tie, actually wasn’t.

The good people who run the Democratic Party in Iowa insist that we shouldn’t worry. That the party establishment is fair, and good, and honest.
Ask Debbie Wasserman Shultz.

Back to the coin toss. Hate to mention it (risking being called a conspiracy theorist) but the probability of rolling six coin tosses in a row in Hillary’s favor is quite low. One and a half percent to be exact. In other words there is a 98.5% chance that this should NOT HAPPEN.

But it happened in Iowa last night, and the Main-Stream-Democrat-Bowl-of-Sh*t (the one that Lewis Black claimed was not so different than the Republican-Bowl-Of-Sh*t), as well as the main-street media and their pundits assure us that there is no question of foul play.
They infer that by asking for actual numbers, Sanders is a sore loser.

Bernie Sanders has called on the Democratic party to release a raw vote count in Iowa.
He … called on officials to take the unusual step of revealing the voter totals… “I can only hope and expect that the count will be honest,” he said.
To no one’s surprise, the Iowa Democrats have refused his request.

One of the metaphors Bernie has repeated over and over again to describe our corrupt oligarchy is: “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.”

In Iowa, this is no metaphor; this is no cheap joke, it’s reality.
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