A Choice For 2016: Hatred Or Love? Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?

Written by B.T. Hill   
Sunday, 10 January 2016 19:27
To me, there is a clear choice in the 2016 election: hatred or love. We as voters have the ability to choose the direction we want our country to go in.

Yes, we are pissed off at the way our lives have been going and how the government’s been run. There’s not a person in this country who hasn’t been affected in some way by the events of the recession of 2008. Policies handed down over the last few decades have pummeled the middle and lower class while benefiting the rich. It’s way past time for a change but how we change is up to us.

I view this election season as a battle between good and evil or compassion and heartlessness, because if you really look at it – that’s what it is.

On one hand you have a candidate – Donald Trump – whose campaign rhetoric has been hatred, racism and exclusion. At any criticism against him, he childishly insults opponents and threatens to “take his toys and go home” with a third-party run. His supposed “facts” are proven to be overwhelmingly flat-out lies. If one really listens to his speeches – there is nothing substantial, only disconnected rambling, focusing on how “great” he is and what a “great” job he’s going to do as President. There are no specifics, no plans as to exactly how he’s going to fix the concerns of American citizens. He consistently blames loss of jobs on immigrants, again fueling his racist agenda. Donald Trump is and always has been a bully, and threatens war against the Middle East or anyone who disagrees with him. Yes, in Donald Trump’s eyes, the only way we can “Make America Great Again,” is to hate everybody who isn’t white and Christian or blame everyone else for the problems of the American people, and militarily stomp the snot out of foreign nations.

Then we have Bernie Sanders. His candidacy is built on inclusion of all people, not blame, racism and suspicion. He goes up against his critics with facts instead of insults. Bernie gives solid, reasonable suggestions on how to better America, not vague, brutish ramblings. He knows the solution to international problems is not more war.

He has stood up for the middle class American citizen in his career as a politician for over 40 years. His message has always been the same: take care of the average person, respect for all cultures and religions and our government needs to work for all the people – not just those at the top. He is a compassionate man. His record shows an unwavering stance for his constituents in the fight against corporate and governmental greed and mistreatment of the citizens of the United States. He is and always has been — FOR — the American people. The realization that the whims of a very small, but very, very wealthy segment of the population controls our government is not lost on him. These mega-rich are intent on trampling the rights and lives of the American people, and for our country to survive and prosper, he knows this cannot continue. Our jobs have been outsourced by the gluttony of corporate America, not stolen by immigrants. Millions lost their homes, pensions and jobs because of the dangerous practices of Wall Street which has had free reign for decades. He knows that left unchecked, we’re a hairsbreadth away from it happening again. Above all, he says that this race is not about Bernie Sanders becoming President: it’s about a political revolution to change the very core of what happens in this country. If enough of us stand up – we can change things! This is a common man for the common man, not a rich man smiling with a knife behind his back, wondering whose throat to cut next!So we have a choice to make.

Do we want to elect hatred in the form of the loudmouth, obnoxious, egocentric, racist, xenophobic billionaire who hasn’t any plan – much less any real notion of politics, to the highest office in the land? Should we have as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military on the planet, someone who has shown himself to have no restraint or diplomacy? Can we trust the nuclear launch codes to one who is emotionally immature and prone to irrational outbursts? Do we believe that Donald Trump, raised in privilege, truly understands the plight of the average American he swears he really cares about? Can this country afford to have a President who will undoubtedly appoint an administration of corporate-friendly cronies which have no interest in rebuilding America other than to line their pockets?

Or do we elect compassion in the form of Bernie Sanders? Isn’t it more important to have a President and an administration who will stand up and fight for all of us, addressing homelessness, joblessness and the care of our veterans? This country needs someone who recognizes climate change and environmental issues. What about defending Social Security and Medicare and putting Americans back to work by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure? Shouldn’t the government do its best to help citizens concerning the shameful price of prescription drugs in this country? We need a leader who realizes that this economy runs on the backs of the middle class, that we can no longer accept corporate America’s tax-free status, their ability to shelter profits in off-shore accounts and blatantly ship jobs overseas.

The only way to improve this country is through compassion for its people, not hatred, inclusion not exclusion.

We have a choice to make: step further into hatred and mistrust or step out into love and the realization that we are all one, and that this country can work better for all of us.

What’s your choice?
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