Trump, You‘re No Bernie Sanders

Written by Robert S. Becker   
Saturday, 19 September 2015 10:59
Pontificating, as if taking a stand,
Raucous Trumpery stalks the land;
The spectacle how billionaire blarney
Glibly hornswoggles a gullible army.
In doubtful quest for lost golden ages,
As if slogans alone ease Tea Party rages?
They cheer and guzzle carbs & lite beer,
Guffawing at Trump's infantile sneers.
Is this clown likened to Sen. Sanders,
The great moral voice who never panders?
This pretender's no more the populist
Than Bernie's akin to commie socialist.
Yet facile pundits invent a fake fight:
Sanders stands far-left, Trump far-right.
One fires a shotgun, the rank entertainer,
Bernie's a genuine, reform campaigner.
So laid over today's campaign whipsaw
Arises a massive, ideological fraud:
Trump only spouts disruptive wedges,
Sanders upholds core progressive pledges. your social media marketing partner
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