Radicalization of a Senior

Written by Doug Henderson   
Tuesday, 17 March 2015 08:33


My name is Doug Henderson. I live in Ottawa Canada. I am a Canadian citizen. I have had 67 trips around the sun. I have no political affiliations. I am an Ordained Minister in both the Order of Melchizedek and the International Fellowship of Christ. I have a PhD in Theology and an Honorary Phd in the Humanities and I am an Internationally Certified Biofeedback Therapist. But none of these ego statements provide an understanding of who I am as an eternal, individuated form of Spirit that has a Sovereign Power of Refusal over any temporal government or agency that would attempt to coerce me into compliance with or recognition of fascist acts or acts in support and recognition of Nazi regimes. Too many brave Canadian soldiers transitioned (died) fighting Nazism during the Second world War for me to dishonor their memory and their bravery. Each and every Canadian enjoys what remaining freedoms we have because of their bravery. However, it seems to me, that those freedoms are about to be extinguished because the Light of Creation has grown very dim in the leaders of our nation. I am not only ashamed of Stephen Harper and all that he stands for but also all other Parliamentarians that have allowed our present fear mongering, lies and propaganda to prevail.

On Saturday March 14, 2015, I did something that I had never done before. I attended a peaceful demonstration to reject Bill C-51. This public demonstration for me was more an opportunity to Embrace Love rather than to reject fear. By rejecting fear, I only give it strength and what I strengthen persists. Governments, politicians and the media are very aware of this. When Mother Theresa was asked to attend an Anti-war Demonstration she refused. When questioned why she wouldn’t attend she said; “When you have a rally for Peace, I will come.” I was there because there are times when even the sheep must stand up and be counted and I was very pleased to see that 85% of those in attendance were old geezers like me. But I was also dismayed by the lack of youthful voices expressing their dissent. Nevertheless, I came away from that peaceful demonstration realizing that acts of protest will not secure the rights, freedoms and liberties that are the birthright of each and every Canadian. Nor will signing a petition. Nor will contacting my Member of Parliament and threatening that if you vote for Bill C-51, I will not vote for you. Mind you these steps are necessary to gain public recognition and underscore just how draconian are the implications of Bill C-51. But, it may require more, so much more. When I was younger, and not as mellow as I am today, I used to have a personal motto and it was this; “If at first, you cannot get some one’s attention, it is necessary to take one step backward and give them a drop kick right in the crotch. Once you have their attention, you can proceed from there.” This is my public drop kick to “Teflon Stephan Harper” and the lower level of consciousness and lower attractor field that he has chosen to align himself and this country to.

It saddens me that each of us, as Canadians have allowed our country under the very questionable leadership of Stephen Harper to devolve to where it is. I recall fonder times when Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson received a Nobel Prize for his suggestion of creating a United Nations Peace Keeping Force. From that time to the election of Stephen Harper as Prime Minister, Canadians were respected around the world as Peace Keepers. That is not the case today. Today we are a nation of Nazi Sympathizers. On November 21, 2014, at the United Nations, there was a vote on the following motion: “Combatting glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” There were 115 nations supporting the resolution. Fifty-five Nations abstained. Three nations voted against the resolution. They were Ukraine, the United States of America and Canada! Why wasn’t this reported by mainstream media? Who do you suppose counselled Canada’s U.N. representatives on how to vote? The U.N. documentation concerning this matter can be viewed at: http://www.un.org/en/ga/third/69/docs/voting_sheets/L56.Rev1.pdf.

On February 22, 2014, the Maidan Coup took place in Ukraine. Today it is known that this coup was sponsored both financially and with mercenary snipers who fired both on demonstrators and police to create a situation for coup potential, by a consortium led by the U.S.A , who has acknowledged investing over Five Billion Dollars in regime change in Ukraine. This has openly been confirmed by both President Obama and the State Department’s, Victoria Nuland. Today, the U.S.A., Department of State acts as nothing more than a covert extension of the CIA. NATO was the vehicle used to perpetuate the legitimacy of this regime change event. Canada’s position in this matter remains very suspicious because within three days of the coup a plane load of Canadian tories led by John Baird were in Kiev for a photo op with Nazi leaders of the new coup government. Baird then returned to Canada and lied to Canadians about the state of affairs in Kiev. Notice that John Baird has now left politics. Could it be that he actually suffers from pangs of conscience that come from a “maid in waiting,” for the leadership of the conservative party? Notice also, that for the Canadian government to conduct itself in a manner totally un-precedented and recognize a coup government within three days of a coup, most likely requires prior knowledge of the events leading up to the coup, possible participation in the orchestration of the coup, or at a very minimum complicit compliance in the orchestration of events leading up to an illegal coup.

After World War II, the Canadian government gave safe haven to thousands of the very war criminals who had carried out the Holocaust. Among them were as many as 2000 infamous Waffen SS Ukrainian Galicia Division, who were welcomed in the service of the Cold War drive to restore capitalism in the Soviet Union. Bandera’s Nazi-allied forces were the direct forerunners of Svoboda, the fascist party which took control of Ukraine’s armed forces after the February 2014 coup. Completing the circle, Oleh Tyahnbok—the same Svoboda leader with whom Baird consorted—came to Toronto in 2010 to receive a golden cross from veterans of the Waffen SS Galicia Division “for his service to Ukraine.

Another extreme right wing leader of the neo-nazi Svoboda Party who has gone on to create an even more renegade right wing party in September 2014, “The Peoples Front” party, is one, Andriy Parubly. Mr Parubly was recently courted, supported and entertained by Stephen Harper at tax payer expense and who knows how much in covert arms may have been provided or promised by “Mr Accountability,” “Teflon Steve,” at that time. Many of those former Ukrainian war criminals settled in Alberta, some in Mr. Harpers riding. Although some feel that Mr. Harper may be simply responding to the needs of his constituents, my view is more that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – it most likely is a duck – mind you a duck in sheep’s clothing. Many of the current Ukrainian parliamentarians are known Nazis with criminal records. Some are American appointments illegally holding office in Ukraine. Their Prime Minister Yatsenyuk is a former American investment banker who just happens to be Ukrainian. On February 13, 2015 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko appointed former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili head of the President’s Advisory International Council of Reforms. Saakashvili is wanted internationally for war crimes against his own people of Georgia. These are some of the same like-minded fascists that attempted to poison the water supply of the people of Crimea prior to their referendum. This is who “Teflon Steve” and the boys hang-out with. It would be interesting to see “Teflon Steve’s” personal tax return for entertainment expenses. Jacques Ellul, in a book entitled, “The Technological Society (1947) stated that “the propagandist is his own first customer.” It seems to me that those who would promote and advocate a need for Bill C-51 are the very same people that Canadians need to be very, very cautious of.

Currently, Canadian tax dollars are providing satellite tactical information to the neo-nazis in Kiev of the positions of the Donbass separatists. Canadian military and monitoring agents (boots on the ground) are stationed in periphery countries all around Russia promoting “False Flags,” and edging the world ever closer to WWW 3. Right from the get-go we pulled our ambassador out of Russia. That act sent a message that Canada is not prepared to be a participant in promoting peace but rather the insane position that Peace must come from the barrel of a gun. Canada is a partner in, “The Five Eyes Group,” of the U.S.A, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand who basically spy on anyone that pleases them. Closer to home, we currently have three people in jail under Security Certificate that denies them legal counsel and/or court access. They are incarcerated without proof because CSIS wants them there and Bill C-51 would simply expand the whims of CSIS and whatever political party that happens to be in power. We have become the Police State that we always feared. To accomplish this Canada has partnered with the world’s known, number one terrorist, that would deny its actions and activities as terrorism or torture – the United States of America. Nevertheless, a 6000 page U.S. document supports this position.

Whether it’s the “Robocall Thing,” or how control freak “Teflon Steve,” managed to distance himself from the very senatorial pigs at the trough that he appointed, or gagged members of his party, or gagged all Canadian scientists or been complicit or possibly active in the deaths of possibly 50,000 people (according to OSCE) in Ukraine, and now wants to create an SS type Police Force (via Bill C-51) that would make any up-standing citizen suspect, unless of course he clicks his heels and raises his arm in traditional nazi salute to “Heil Haarp-er.” Through-out all of this Russia has sent numerous convoys of medical aid and supplies to Ukraine that were always suspect by the west. Russia has also taken in between 900,000 to 1,000,000 Ukrainian refugees. Russia has fed them, sheltered them and is attempting to integrate them into Russian society with employment and dignity. And we continue to place sanctions on Russia. What is wrong with this picture? It seems like Putin is the only one standing up against the barbarians at the gate and we are the barbarians! His BRICS association of countries is providing incredible infrastructure deals among BRICS members at a time when sanctions are hurting Europe more than Russia. A new, recently funded BRICS Bank will provide alternate funding to both the IMF and World Bank. Seems like Putin is taking on The New World Order and making great strides. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel who came with a message from Europe for Stephan Harper and Barack Obama to back off their sanctions, propaganda, false flags and not to move forward with supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, found her jaw dropping in astonishment at the lies and drivel “Teflon Steve” provided the Canadian Public at a recent press conference.

Our world and our motives are totally inter-connected not only by social media but telepathically as a species. My DNA is connected to your DNA. And whether or not we are prepared to admit it, there is a woundedness within our Soul or Higher Self for those “fallen angels,” (and each of us is a fallen angel) who would perpetuate war among their own species. Each of us is travelling a “journey of no distance,” simply trying to find our way home as innocent children of God. The only difference is that some of us have already burnt off through prior lifetimes the frequencies for the need for power mongering and greed. For these reasons, and so many more, I refuse to acknowledge or accept “Teflon Steve,” as someone who would represent me or my aspirations and desires for either Canadians or mankind.

Yes, there is an impenetrable smell of malfeasance on the hands of Canadian Members of Parliament. The odor will take many, many lifetimes to cleanse. Whether fiction or non-fiction this is the manifestation of “Report from Iron Mountain,” which promoted “a perpetual state of war” when the U.S. economy is in decline and for the U.S. to employ, to maintain world dominance, hegemony and imperialism. But the entire universe operates on a principle of expansion and contraction and we are witnessing the contraction and decline and fall of the U.S. Empire. It’s all about whose dollar rules the world. When the U.S. Canada, Great Britain and NATO conspired to orchestrate the coup in Ukraine they also orchestrated the demise of the USD. Why? Because it provided the “raison d’etre” and hastened the development of BRICS which respects payment amongst its own members. In their own currency. So, “Teflon Steve,” by his actions and partnerships has hastened the fall of the Canadian dollar and every Canadians’ life savings and security.

I for one am ashamed of “Teflon Steve.” But the s**t that always slid so very nicely off his back is now coming home to roost. The problem is that you and I will bear the brunt of it. Many of us may lose everything. Should Bill C-51 become law, I for one will refuse to pay any taxes until the insanity ends. I will also encourage others to do the same. Under Bill C-51 this will make me a “terrorist.” The mere fact that the conservative government under “Teflon Steve,” is even considering such a Police State is beyond the understanding of most Canadians. Canadians are simply not aware of the impact of this legislation because they do not believe that such a thing could possibly happen here, in their back yard. Well, my brothers and sisters, it’s time to wake up and become more informed. Consider going to www.antiterrorlaw.ca where Canadian legal scholars examine the implications of Bill C-51.

I deny and refuse the sphere of fear and embrace only those things that are valuable such as; Love, Peace, Compassion, Kindness, Joy, Freedom and Happiness. As a result, I refuse to support a government that, promotes or manufactures weapons of mass destruction. Nor will I support any government that promotes war, the rumors of war or the use of “False Flags and propaganda to promote war or a fascist, police state that promotes fear amongst its citizens. Nor will I tolerate a nation that spies upon its citizens without proper cause. Nor will I acknowledge or accept a regime that would partner with the torture mongers of the world. Nor will I support or acknowledge a government that prefers a policy of racial genocide against it’s aborigional peoples and dis-honors treaties, agreements and provides housing and infrastructure standards unacceptable to our species. Nor will I support a government that accepts GMO products as acceptable nutrition for its people. Nor will I accept a government that allows corporations to rape and pillage the planet for profit.

I absolutely refuse the lies Teflon Stephan Harper spewed about “accountability” that helped to get him elected by an unsuspecting public that desires only good and were re-neged, the moment that he achieved power/office of Prime Minister. It is my view and I do not say this lightly, that Stephan Harper should not only be ousted from public office in disgrace by the citizens of Canada but there may be a case to be made for him to appear before an international court of justice for war-crimes against humanity. Approximately 50,000 people have died (OSCE) as a result of our involvement in an undeclared war in Ukraine. Thousands upon thousands more have been wounded and physically harmed and are without reasonable comforts of shelter or infrastructure, due any human being. Approximately, 1,000,000 Ukrainians are refugees and have sought shelter for their families in Russia. And yes, some of those refugees have returned to Ukraine to fight a civil war that was commenced by those who would look on in amusement from a distance in malfeasance. And so it is I suspect with some of those who volunteer for ISIS. They see a common enemy and it is Imperialism, Greed, Hegemony and War-mongering, that the U.S.A and its allies would protect.

What I will support is, a Divine/Spiritual Law of Brotherly Love where all are equal in their birthright to freedom, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, I Choose Love! But love can only come once individual consciousness has moved beyond courage in which case each of us is prepared to give up the body for what we believe in, so that others may benefit. Otherwise it’s just idle chatter. This is what our soldiers did during World War 2. We cannot forget them now that the head of the fascist serpent rears its ugly head once again.

At some point, either before or after Bill C-51, each of us will be forced to take a position and ask our-self the question, “Has Humanity suffered enough?” While you are at it you might as well ask yourself the Dr. Phil question, “So, how is it working for you so far? Each of us has the power of Creation within us. Each of us has the sovereign right to say, “No!” and that, “Enough is Enough!” Each of us has to do what is in our heart! Today, the inter-connectedness of social media can ensure the “accountability” that “Teflon Steve” has denied us. And it will be so much easier to do it now, than later. He must go and he must go in disgrace, not only to Canadians but to all mankind.

For those of you who need to become more informed about what is really going on, here are some alternate news sites:
Re: Bill C-51: www.antiterrorlaw.ca
General: Rt.com, Russia-insider.com, Readersupportednews.org, thepeoplesvoice.com, presstv.com, RonPaulInstitute.org, rawstory.com, rabble.ca, Al Jazeera (English), Voltairenetwork.org, presstv.ir, worldtruth.tv, Ken O’Keefe – You Tube, Project Camelot – You Tube, Project Avalon.net, DavidIcke.com

Here are two very well documented books that explain how we got here: “Family of Secrets by Russ Baker and Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands by Richard Sakwa.

Thank You so much for your attention. If this resonates with you, please forward to any and all within your personal network. And may the mind that is in Christ Jesus, be with you always.

Douglas Allen: Henderson PhD, O.M., ICQBT
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