Corporations May Be People After All

Written by Eugene Lutz   
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 17:15
Corporations May Be People After All

When the Supreme Court decided that “corporations are people” my immediate reaction was that this was complete nonsense. How could a corporation be a people? A corporation is after all an abstract entity, not a person. But then I started to realize that there are some things that corporations do that are distinctly human and I changed my mind, sort of.

Human beings and corporations both sell things to each other. Corporations cheat people, just like people do. Human beings take each other to court, so do corporations. Corporations destroy the environment, another human right we take for granted. Corporations use complex and sneaky methods to cheat others, a concept that was introduced to them by humans within the corporation. Corporations mistreat and underpay their workers, just like human bosses. Many human beings think that making money should be not only a top priority in life, but the only one, and will stop at nothing to acquire it, a standard business practice. Corporations have ethical standards that no one pays any attention to, humans, too. Corporations control government, and although most humans have no control whatsoever over their government, a select few do.
There is one major difference, however. Human beings can be thrown in prison, whereas corporations cannot, they can only be made to pay fines, and then they can resume doing business until it’s time to pay the next fine or fines for their continued malfeasance. your social media marketing partner
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