GOP Playing With Fire

Written by John Glassco   
Monday, 09 March 2015 10:15
United States Senator from North Carolina and potential Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham sits on the Senate Technology Committee. He has just bragged to the press that he has never sent an email in his life.

This appointment and his subsequent boast of internet illiteracy shows a clear disdain for the vast majority of the American public that employs the internet for business and/or pleasure. Certainly the majority of Americans must feel insulted on learning of his unexperienced disclosure.

The GOP seems to favor deliberately putting people in charge of, and on committees, who have no clue. They seem determined to find obstinate individuals for these roles who are noisily contrary to the mission of that committee.

This behavior, like the recent promotion of climate change denialist Jim Imhofe in charge of the Senate Environment Committee, is becoming the GOP's habitual way of obstructing the functioning of government. So far, this technique of methodically promoting clueless and dysfunctional voices into the affairs of government, has few if any symmetrical examples from the left. Many people on the right seem to delight in this from of obstruction. It is as if the GOP finds little value in the work of the affected departments and committees anyway.

I hope that some day this form of blockade is seen as treacherous and even traitorous. The patronizing and insulting quip by Graham indicates that these days, the GOP has once again put an arsonist in charge of the fire department. your social media marketing partner
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