Just Shut it All Down for One Week?

Written by Kurt   
Friday, 14 November 2014 07:41
With polls that show levels of dissatisfaction rampant across the entire political spectrum, and the Dems coming off a major election beat down, it seems that the Dems have created a leadership position for Elizabeth Warren, who I was very interested in until she unexpectedly decided to vote "no" on the Sanders bill that would have required GMO labeling. That tipped her hand, that she talks the good talk, but when it's time to vote against the biggest mega-corp and they tell you how to vote, you salute your corporate handlers. All of that prompted the idea for this article which started out in an email based on the following quote:

>>>>As Elizabeth Warren advocates for big ideas like reforming Wall Street, making college affordable, and expanding Social Security benefits, her voice will now be even louder -- because she'll be at the Democratic leadership table.
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