Make $Big Bucks In Government, Doing Absolutely Nothing

Written by michael payne   
Friday, 26 September 2014 03:07
Want a soft, cushy job with a great salary and the best of benefits and lots of perks? One in which there are no specific objectives to meet and you don’t have to answer to anyone; a job where you can come and go as you please and work whenever you wish? Well, then the perfect job for you is to become a member of the United States Congress.

Where in this country could someone find a position with an annual salary of $174,000, one for which there are few if any qualifications or credentials required? Unlike most management-type jobs in America that call for an applicant to meet specific requirements involving education, past experience, or special skills, there is no such requirement in Congress. Not only that but there is no one who will monitor your performance and demand that you meet and even surpass certain stated objectives.

Sure, the members of this Congress must swear to uphold the Constitution, they are responsible for enacting legislation (what a laugh), oversight of U.S. agencies (another joke), consenting to treaties, appointing federal judges, as well as other associated duties. But aside from meeting a few deadlines there is nothing that you must do to hold your job. The only curbs on your actions and those of your fellow members occur when legislation is passed that is, thereafter, ruled to be unconstitutional.

What is it like to have no boss and answer to no one? Well, the American people used to be the boss over Congress but that was before that government sector was taken over by corporate money and power and the system became so thoroughly corrupted.

So these politicians really have it made, they are living in a kind of political Utopia or political heaven. Not a care in the world, just sit back, collect enormous salaries and when criticized or even condemned for their incompetence and lack of progress on this country’s critical problems they can just say, in the words of Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Magazine, “What me worry?

Qualifications for becoming a member of Congress:

No one under the age of 25 may serve in the House of Representatives, and no one under the age of 30 may serve in the Senate.

Members of the House of Representatives must have lived within the United States for at least seven years prior to serving in office. Members of the Senate must have lived within the United States for at least nine years prior to serving in office.

In addition to being required to live inside the country, Congressional representatives must also inhabit the state that they wish to represent.

Must members possess a college degree? No, absolutely not. Not even a major in Political Science or Law or Economics, as one might expect, is required. And, believe it or not, members of this institution don’t even have to have a high school diploma.

Now let’s take a look at those generous salaries, benefits and perks:

Salaries of Members of the U.S. Congress

Members of the House and Senate - $174,000

Majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate – $193,400

Speaker of the House - $223,500

A cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) increase takes effect annually unless Congress votes to not accept it. It’s common knowledge that these politicians receive excellent health and pension benefits, generous allowances for expenses and travel, and can earn income from outside activities.

So, let’s say that these combined annual salaries of the 435 members of the House and 100 senators amount to about $95 million, plus their pensions and those perks. Does anyone think that is money well spent? It would be if they, collectively, did something of substance to earn it, but for this Congress you might do better to, instead, throw it down the toilet.

Now what about work days? Congress in-session schedule for 2014 is as follows: the House will be in session a paltry 113 days and the Senate schedule is for 175 days. That’s a lot of time off for those who don’t do much even when they are in session. And if anyone thinks all those days off are used extensively for meeting with constituents then think again because these politicians are really out there working hard to stuff more money into their campaign coffers.

Of course it would be wrong to paint them all with the same brush. There are two outstanding Senators, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders who do a great job trying to address and solve problems and work in the best interests of the American people. And there are about 5 others who really try to earn their salaries; but after that the rest, based on the records, do nothing of any significance or meaning and just continue to draw their money for doing nothing.

The worst of them are what we might refer to as obstructionists, those that are determined to keep Congress in a state of gridlock. And then there are those who may not be that bad but they just sit there, don’t create and promote any kind of meaningful legislation and contribute nothing to the process. They are just taking up space and cheating American taxpayers.

Warren and Sanders are like two voices crying in the wilderness because most of their associates in Congress are not listening. These two senators are raising issues and making recommendations that Mr. Obama should be making, but he quite evidently has lost any interest; and, besides, he is very busy letting America slide into yet another Middle Eastern quagmire.

What are the key issues that these lazy, do-nothing “representatives of the people” are not addressing, let alone solving?

Job creation
Strengthening the economy
Immigration reform
Corporate and individual tax reform
Climate Change/global warming
New sources of energy development
National infrastructure repair and rebuilding
Minimum Wage
Gross Inequality of wealth and income in America
Campaign finance reform
Regulation and oversight of the banking industry
Appropriate oversight of the CIA and the NSA
Veterans’ health care
Highway trust fund shortfall
Long term unemployment benefits
Budget deficit, rising national debt

Every one of these issues is of vital importance to this nation’s well being and stability. And yet most of them languish on the backburner of this Congress, out of sight, out of mind. As a result, they are all festering and growing worse each and every day?

We desperately need to create jobs for Americans but nothing is being done; Immigration reform is a complex issue but there are solutions if there were compromise; our tax code system for individuals and corporations badly needs restructuring but Congress looks the other way even as more and more corporations use “tax inversion” tactics as a loophole to significantly reduce their taxes. Our roads, bridges and electrical grid are rapidly deteriorating; the problem is totally ignored.

Talk about honor, integrity and ethics; loyalty to your country. This is a Congress in which the large majority of its members no longer adhere to those time-honored principles. Corporate money, power and influence rule the day in the halls of this Congress. Its appalling behavior represents a dark stain on our democracy.

What in the world can the American people do to get these members of Congress to do their jobs, to earn their salaries by working on legislation that is critically important to this country? That’s a question that is very difficult to answer and it’s the main reason why this country is regressing so badly and in such a state of decline.

Would you like to be a member of this Congress, have this terrific job, a great salary, benefits, and perks and have to do absolutely nothing to hold onto it? Personally I could never do that because my conscience would let me know that I am betraying my country and its people by completely failing to carry out the responsibilities with which they have entrusted me. I would feel dirty and ashamed at what I have allowed myself to become.

Michael Payne

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