Commentary: Desires for Another Imperial War - GOP Nut Cases and Their Democratic Loyal Opposition Want an Iraq Redux

Written by David Starr   
Thursday, 23 January 2014 06:17
President Barack Obama and many Democrats are trying to bring some degree of sanity to U.S. policies dealing with Iran using real diplomacy. The GOP and 16 (so far) Senate Democrats are trying to screw that up, seeing Iran being a threat to acquire nuclear capabilities, and thus want even more sanctions against it.

Already, Iran is suppressed with limiting petroleum exports, no access to its foreign exchange holdings, sanctions on its banks and sanctions against those providing financial services. And, there are 21 conditions Iran must follow in ensuring that a nuclear weapons program is halted. [1]

How much concern is there? After all, the same self-rightousness was expressed during the Bush Jr. regime's crusade against Iraq, with Democrats going along with it. But it turned into an imperial war based on lies. Why should we listen to another group of chicken littles (or hawks) claiming that the sky is falling?

The promoters of further sanctions want to go headlong into an Iraq redux. And anyone who falls for it this time must be politically dense.

There is an obvious pattern. With Iraq, a host of restrictive sanctions were used through the 1990s. About 500,000 children died as a result. Then, in 2003, the Iraq War, with an estimated 800,000 to 1 million Iraqis killed, not mention the use of depleted uranium and white phosphorous, and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal.

With Iran, the rhetoric is similar. Ed Royce, GOP representative (CA) and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee stated that "Sanctions will continue to be critical if we are going to get a verifiable deal that stops Iran's march to nuclear weapons, " [2], in reference to the "bi-partisan" bill that was introduced into the Senate to hammer Iran even further. With the rush to further sanctions, then war, Iran's sovereignty should be considered (despite the Islamic fanaticism). But no, that wouldn't be on the minds of the sanction pushers.

While Obama's threat to use a veto is an appropriate response to the "bi-partisan" bill, he and many other Democrats must maintain political spines so we are not lead into another disaster.

The situation proves once again that the GOP and its Democratic loyal opposition are warmongers hiding behind a veil of holier-than-thou rhetoric. Only a nut case would want another Iraq, or any imperial war for that matter.


[1] Whitehouse press release, "Fact Sheet: First Step Understandings Regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's Nuclear Program, 11/23/2013.

[2] "Chairman Royce Statement on Iran Sanctions Legislation in Senate,", 12/19/2013.

David Starr writes on various issues, both national and international.

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