Modern Day Slavery and the American State

Written by Tom Adams   
Sunday, 01 December 2013 14:07

Physical slavery was officially abolished in America in 1865, and yet despite this, Americans of all colors and ethnicities are enslaved more than ever, as physical slavery is unnecessary when individuals are enslaved psychologically. And therein lies the diabolical genius of the modern American State: it has managed to control the behavior of the masses, through religious and educational indoctrination, and through control of the popular media, while simultaneously convincing them that they are free. After all, individuals living under the delusion that they are free will never bother to notice their chains. Physical slavery has become obsolete.

Americans have all the window dressings of freedom: the freedom to choose between two plutocrats to rule over them, the freedom to choose between twelve different colors of cheap sneakers made on the backs of Chinese wage slaves, the freedom to choose among thirty-two flavors of ice cream and to worship the god of your choice by choosing among thirty-two flavors of religious ideologies, and the freedom to work and live, as with eighty percent of the American workforce, with the constant looming threat of poverty and with no real social security.

To the flag-waving patriots at the ball game singing "God Bless America", pledging allegiance to your slave master, the State, while consuming several too many Budweisers from the tailgate of the pickup truck with the "support our troops" bumper sticker, take note: that freedom is a delusion, manufactured by the State, and the best way to support our troops is hold up a mirror to those well-intentioned, but misguided soldiers risking their lives for a system that is using them to torture, terrorize, and murder tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children across the globe, only to later discard them into a tattered social safety net comprised of taxpayer-funded homeless shelters, prisons, and hospitals. Further, show them pictures of the real human beings – the tiny fraction of ultra-rich sociopaths who fund and control the State with their billions of campaign financing, lobbying, and “philanthropic” dollars, for they are the real slave masters, along with their accomplices, the politicians.

As to those who think that the keys to freedom lie in the hands of one politician or political party or another, they too are delusional, and have fallen victim to the false dichotomy of left-right thinking that has mentally enslaved those “progressives” who continue to act against their own interests by propping up and enabling a corrupt system that promotes cowardly and inhumane drone wars, terrorism under the guise of security and freedom, the systematic destruction of your civil liberties, mediocre, corporate-controlled health care, and massive military spending and corporate welfare under the false promise of “hope and change”. They too have been mesmerized by the propaganda flowing from the various channels controlled by those who benefit from limiting your choices and viewpoints from within that same narrow frame. The red pill and blue bill, in this case, lead to the same false reality of slightly different hues.

Real political and personal freedoms can only be allowed to thrive when there is psychological freedom: when our minds are not enslaved to the sophisticated systems of propaganda that permeate our society. The former without the latter, as keenly illustrated by the myriad of contradictions and hypocrisies that is American culture, is nothing more than an illusion that pacifies and prevents real freedom from blossoming. The abolition of the physical slavery of African-Americans is no less historically monumental, but it is only one step along the way to obtaining profound and lasting freedom: the kind that liberates us from the mirage of propaganda and religious indoctrination, and that enables us to live purposefully and intentionally, rather than as slaves to our unconscious needs and desires for safety and security and “entertainment”, as manipulated and encouraged by the State. The real fight for freedom, if we are to evolve as a nation and, indeed, as a species, must not take place in a foreign country by attacking an imaginary enemy with bullets and bombs, but on the battlefields of our minds by looking inward and acknowledging the uncomfortable truths about who we are. We are, after all, enablers of our own imprisonment, but in the end, we are also the sole keepers of the keys that will free us.

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