“THE LOUDEST CRY-BABY LOSES” (A poem for Congress)

Written by Kevin   
Saturday, 05 October 2013 12:47
Big government
is now home
to big poopy-pants babies:
screeching, braying, wheedling
in an embarrassing attempt to
refight the same old battles
the people settled long ago.
To them due process
is for the other guy.
Tea Party homies don’t play
the game of government.
To them,
it’s a loser-take-all-system
where the side that is defeated
wins the war.
After reaching consensus
they want to compromise with compromise,
throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
It’s government by tantrum-
hijacked by spoiled brats
who cannot remember yesterday.
The American people will deal with you!

Time for a good spanking
and a nice, long time-out...

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