EXPERIENCE Vs. PERFORMANCE Strategies for the Remaining Presidential Debates

Thursday, 11 October 2012 14:33
VP Joe Biden was strong during the debate with VP Candidate Paul Ryan, EXCEPT when he began his closing statement with defensiveness and excuses about how bad a "hand" they, the Democrats, had been "dealt" at the get go at the start of President Obama's administration, due to the economy, etc! When Paul Ryan, to almost everyone's surprize, (it has yet to be spoken about though, so it may remain a hidden surprise, lol) PICKED UP on Biden's closing statement defensiveness, it seemed like the Republicans debate staffers must have STRESSED for Ryan to LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY FOR ANY DEFENSIVENESS AND EXCUSE MAKING!

President OBAMA MUST AVOID ALL EXCUSES, on Tuesday 10/16/12 even if, or when, he is BAITED to be denfensive, if, that is, Romney CAN or needs to BE coached, at all to provoke President Obama at the next debate. It seems like President Obama is doing a good job at PROVOKING HIMSELF!

ANY excuses made by EITHER SIDE will be zeroed in on and TARGETED! Also BOTH candidates need to CRAM A SPECIFIC ORGANIZING STRATEGY OF CONSISTENCY: namely, what are LIFE AND DEATH ISSUES, ie. life and death policies, values, beliefs that are a priori absolute, and as a result FREE from judgment and misunderstanding, stereotypes, etc., so that they can BOTH have UNIVERSAL PRIORITIES vs what is everything else.

In other words, President Obama and Romney need to CONCENTRATE and FOCUS on WHAT EXACTLY AND FACUALLY MAKES SOMETHING, ANYTHING, (whether it is foreign affairs, or the economy, or physical existence, etc,) a MERE QUALITY OF LIFE ISSUE INSTEAD OF A LIFE OR DEATH ISSUE. Perhaps some philosophers need desperately to be DRAFTED (hint!) to help both parties before Tuesday.

In the alternative, just share this article so it goes viral, but ONLY IF you WANT to hear a real EXPERIENCE Tuesday night 10/16/12. If you are OK with SETTLING for a disinformation, and body language PERFORMANCE and analysis, then ignore this! For all of us potential voters, I hope you will agree that each side needs to COMPETE with their EXCELLENCE IN being able to focus on the ABSOLUTE ISSUES VS RELATIVE ISSUES. I, for one really need absolutes for me to be motivated to bother to go to vote at all due to being (mostly) bullied by poll workers previously.
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