My concerns on 'sequestration' cuts

Wednesday, 10 October 2012 19:25
Message sent to the following recipients:
Representative Scott
Senator DeMint
Senator Graham

As a constituent, I want to express my deep concern about the
"sequestration" cuts scheduled to go into effect in January 2013, and
about any deal Congress may reach to avoid sequestration.

Any deficit reduction deal must take a balanced approach between reducing spending and raising revenues.

Education and other programs serving, children, working families, seniors, and other vulnerable populations already took a huge hit in last year's Budget Control Act. These programs must not continue to be the source for deficit reduction while millionaires and corporations continue to benefit from tax cuts and loopholes.

Unless Congress acts to stop the sequester, education funding will fall off a cliff, dropping to pre-2003 levels. America's elementary,
secondary, and postsecondary schools have added 5.4 million students since 2003, and costs associated with K-12 services have increased 25 percent since 2003.

The sequester cut would dramatically impact 9.35 million students by
eliminating services, cutting financial aid and increasing class sizes.

As many as 80,500 jobs could be lost in early education, K-12 and
postsecondary education. Since July 2008, the country has lost 312,700
public education jobs. This means there are roughly as many local school jobs today as in December 2004. Yet, there will be 847,000 more pre k-12 public school students this coming school year than in the fall of 2004.

We cannot balance the budget on the backs of children. Those most able to do so must pay their fair share toward deficit reduction.

Please make sure that any deficit reduction deal is balanced and equitable. your social media marketing partner
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