The Junkie in the Closet

Written by Beth Carter   
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 19:11
“What’s wrong with the world these days?!” The old refrain of the confused and befuddled seems to be getting a lot of air time lately though said in differing terms, just to keep from sounding like a broken record. The sentiment has yet to be answered by any conclusive statement. It seems a pretty simple answer though, for me at any rate. Good people get broken like wild horses. People get domesticated. That’s not to imply that those who have a mild or demure temperament are unnatural - not at all. What I am saying is that human temperament is as diverse as trees, mushroom, cloud formations, grasses, and everything else on the planet. It is entirely unnatural to demand humanity restrain its’ cornucopia down to one-size-fits-all. It could be that some think the premise of this article is old hat, but salient points seem to have been ignored.

People in society that are successfully harnessed (whether complicit or unaware) in a profitable way are approved and released into mainstream exposure. Much attention is paid and long-term information is gathered to discover just who-is-who for future profitability (whether governmental or penal). I mean what would Longshank’s have done if it was known that young William Wallace had that backbone earlier in life? Would the earlier Bruce have betrayed the Wallace’s all the way down to the last heir? Well, that’s what we’ve got now in this Information Age. The record keeping on our children’s mental, emotional, and physical development is astounding and down-right creepy. Some may say that it is done to avoid another event of child mass murder, but this information is being used to target kids in poor areas for incarceration to improve prospects for corporate prisons. Application is everything, and Cheetos-style intentions are just a segue to a con. (See The Daily Show interview with Michael Moss, author of Salt, Sugar, and Fat late March 2013.)

To avoid and/or reverse the slow-marching deterioration of American health (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.), occurrences that have increased several fold since the 70’s, we have to roll back what has been done to public nutrition guides whether by medical, dental, big agriculture, research, processed food companies, big pharmaceutical, fast food, or legislation intent on protecting business interests. The malnutrition happening while surrounded by such abundance is nothing short of criminal. Again, what’s wrong with this world? Good people are broken and harnessed. Those who have given themselves over to unconscionable acts to acquire control promote others like themselves, and infect social thinking with disharmony to normalize their existence (aka Ayn Rand). Such a divide in social consciousness allows the unconscionable greater opportunity for control of the social direction. This is the subject of much research (research & development, market analysis, public surveys, public relations, etc.) and investment (See The Century of the Self by BBC). With all the manipulation by business in circulation from supermarket shelving and product placement to the precise combination of salt, sugar, and fat in processed food designed to make the consumer develop repeat business thereby improving market share through consistent profit margin, it is ludicrous in the extreme to say that it is the consumer’s responsibility to monitor and regulate nutritious consumption, thereby faulting the domesticated horse for returning to its stall. The manipulation is so pervasive plus the rigid sequester of factual information from newly developed specialized fields of knowledge as intellectual property make it almost impossible to exercise self-determination much less self-aware nutrition. Public trust is broken. The power of individual choice is being wrested away from the individual in a slow, pernicious, decade-by-decade claw crawl. It would be equally foolish to assume that our government agencies are unaware of the mountain range of data by which group manipulation is achieved not to mention what in human nature is as yet uncontrollable and what remains elusive. New scientific achievement has put many subjects up for review. Government has been turning away from science. This, in my humble opinion, is why the revolving door between Congress and big business is so utterly difficult to close; proprietary, privacy, and other trainings need no introduction or instruction. This is the platform for the smugness which power brokers of both business and government display. These individual “public servants” know protected information that if we knew ourselves we would rebel and shift the dynamic. Again, self-determination is being taken out of our hands for predictabilities’ sake (read: repeat purchase). Social evolution is at this moment a surgical graft, not an organic development of group learning or understanding. The current gun control debate displays this social impotence quite eloquently. Pressure from the traumatized families is counter-balanced by the folks aware of the military’s new access to U.S. soil. It’s a win-win for the unconscionable, for if the military-industrial complex decided to take over today, there wouldn’t be a Red Dawn redux. It puts social groups on edge and divided in such a way that mistrust and ideology provide an ice bridge for the unconscionable to reach farther and higher than before. Divide and conquer, indeed. The traumatized end up at the kitchen table in sobbing tears even more uncertain of the world’s sanity than before.

What they are praying we don’t know, what I know for certain, is that we can still change the dynamic. We are NOT horses. We are humans and can flip the script at any time. What we must do is 1) refuse to hate . . . anyone, 2) refuse to be distracted or conned, 3) reject pettiness, 4) reject exclusion, and 5) remain humble. Let me say that last one in a slightly different fashion so my meaning is clear: Embrace humility. It is entirely true that willfully ignorant people are found high and low, meaning that the truth is known but denied. It’s true that the unconscionable will apply far more resources with far less ethical standards. Corporate espionage to curtail invention and innovation which would hurt their invested industry is a ready example. Take it farther back into history to corporate towns when business used police to oppress workers. Predatory business practices started the Civil War. None of this is new. What also isn’t new is the regular Joe’s desire for self-determination, yet it is less in evidence consistently. There’s a percentage of the population that wants so much to trust our elected officials that ethical motivation is super-imposed upon them instead of being evident from within. Some of us see what we want to see instead of what is. This is the complicity of some. What we must also understand is that others are choosing differently than we are. Those others are blinded by fear and will act as wild men with virulent contagious fever. What they say will make perfect sense to them. We must avoid assuming others have made the same choice.

From country to country, culture to culture, industry to industry I truly believe there are more good-hearted, harnessed humans than unconscionable posers. Bradley Manning is my poster child for this. This may not be widely known. I’ve only become aware of it in the past two years. A soldier’s sworn duty is different from that of an officer whose sole duty is to the federal government. The soldier is to be the check to the officer, but only in group form. Less than a quorum is field discipline for sedition. The soldier is almost always helpless, yet Bradley Manning kept his vow to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic, even unto damaging his future and enduring torturous treatment. He loves his country regardless of the negative spin the manipulative unconscionable espouses.

My point is that the truly good people are marginalized if unbroken, vilified if consistent, and made to seem alien, compromised, or unstable if success finds them anyway. Tesla was one example. Aaron Swartz is another. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many, many names can be added to the list increasing in number since the 60’s. Steve Prefontaine could be named one. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix. If the CIA would dose someone with LSD in a brothel, being further implicated in the death of Frank Olsen, assisting someone with death while they were addled out of their minds would be virtually effortless. The 2012 probe into Olsen’s death was inconclusive though the exhumed corpse was in far better shape than the funeral suggestion of closed casket would insinuate. Olsen suffered a blow to the left temple before he plunged out the 10th floor of a New York window, the contemporary textbook maneuver of the CIA for assassination technique. If the New York DA gave the CIA a pass on Olsen, if the media was complicit in the cover-up of the government assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., how is it a conspiracy “theory” anymore? The FBI cannot be sued. The CIA is restricted from activity on U.S. soil. The military can now act as units on civilian soil, which is FBI territory in concert with Homeland Security. However, since JFK went to the United Nations and made his case for world peace, his first act of business to scuttle the CIA, it seems that the real cause of the decrepitude of U.S. morals and ethics stems directly from the absorption of World War II German scientists, the Robber Barons of the roaring 20’s, and the collusion of the banking system. It seems almost flippant to say, but their impact has been devastating. Incorporating the German scientists was such a bad idea in a few choice directions we could have done without it. Now, there’s the Boston Marathon and the Texas explosion. Is this another Gulf of Tonkin? It sure feels like it. Some of the footage . . . anyway, it really does feel like social negation and high-jack. Like some father figure comes in and ruins your plans in one fell swoop, but here the authoritarian tone is pretense keeping us from being any community if we aren’t in our ethnicities. Look at what happens in LA lockdown—by racial group. Are we looking at American Nazi: The Next Generation, finishing the social experiment the scientists started during Hitler’s reign? Eugenics might be reconstituted as GMO. Monosodium Glutamate became Autolyzed Yeast Extract. Blackwater becomes, wait, what is it now? Oh right, more poison.

This is how good people are broken, by intimidation and consistent, pervasive pressure. Bullying. Anyone who really connects with a large public, but especially teenagers, has to be watched, curtailed, humiliated, defamed, possibly cut-out. Mia Zapata would be a case. The whole thing about Jesus Mezquia not knowing Mia, yet being found in Florida is just so odd. It’s almost too random, too stray. I remember reading about Mezquia’s collar, that it was a pick-up in Florida that ran his DNA on a national check which highlighted him for Mia’s murder. However, as I look now ten years after he was caught, a Seatlle PI article makes no mention of this, but does a spit-and-polish job on four investigators and the “Cold Case” squad of Seattle PD. What would she have been able to accomplish if she hadn’t been killed? How different would the world be if JFK had not been murdered? MLK, Jr.? So what’s wrong with people these days? I sense there are more wholesome qualities in people worldwide, people who embrace humility and equanimity. We need to remember that about each other. If these “consultants” are super-secret associations of the military, or a mercenary squad, they could be directing state resources. I remind everyone the police are now under no obligation to protect the public. The policeman is free and clear to run away from an old mother or young child during a crisis to fall back to his unit for transport. If an officer in a moment acts above-and-beyond the call of duty that is by his/her choice, but don’t rule out a sucker punch. Wisdom knows the moment to risk a chance. We must remember the woman from Rwanda who was saved from the fate of the rest of their family by a member of the opposing tribe. Stranger things have been known to happen. The “Shadow government” seems to be emerging from the depths, but much more equipped, amped, and bored. What do we do? What we know of Nazis is pretty dark in the moral compass department, a bit too unconcerned about propriety. It seems a bit too eager to dispatch life, do a snuff film. I would consider updated Nazi technique to be equally distorted and cynically curious as was ever discovered. So what do we do? Well it seems to me the fastest way to stop a farm is by the harnessed refusing to take another step. We stop using their system. I mean the most insidious of all the governing systems. It is the hub of all others . . . the monetary system. That means banks, central banks, financial commodities of all kinds are the first and most consistent plug-in to the corrupt virtual Monaco plantation. We have to stop every interaction with the social slash-and-burn, refuse to expect to see each other as combatants. Not everyone will be regardless of ethnicity, age, or lifestyle.

I now wonder if our insistence for concrete proof intentionally overlooks overwhelming circumstantial evidence to be beyond complacent into complicit, like focusing on a distracting hand while we get blindsided by the other punching fist. Our tacit complicity in wrist-slapping Richard Nixon and ignoring the other members of his cabinet has taken us down a rocky, unpredictable road. I suggest we stop blocking the vast array of circumstantial evidence against a number of the same appointees of the Nixon and George W. Bush cabinets. Obama is running on legally-approved definitions from prior administrations. He is avoiding putting pressure on the military applications of the engagement of current legal precedent. They can be as ruthless as they want to right now pretty much. He need apply no pressure. Black ops don’t need to ask permission, and if they’re caught they still get a pass on the basis of “national security”. (Huh, sounds like New York.) Both Bush and Cheney spoke to Congress behind closed doors, off the record, and not under oath. What a deal with a devil, aye? Intimidate Congress so much and apply minimal pressure and Congress bows to the crime boss who can say anything without being one miniscule piece of dust responsible to anyone but “our” version of “our” country. The only other thing I would say about the Marathon is that if attacks keep happening on crowd training and drills, then there is a breach in the national emergency structure. That all by itself without any other inflammatory possibility is cause for a double-take. So what do we do? We need to be willing to change how we interact with one another, the way we engage in service with a village/tribe/collective. I’m good at baking. Someone else could be a good fletcher. Someone else is a gardener. Someone else is a weaver. Maybe many have several talents. If each of us goes through out day focusing on helping each other, even anonymously, we will make the worthwhile aspects of social growth keep moving, but without the corrupting influence of exclusionary legal tender. It is exclusion which leads to desperation as famine is a spectral foe. It breeds deep tactile insecurity which can endure through a lifetime. Exclusionary legal tender can be nothing more, at this population level, than harmful. Mortgages would cease. Foreclosures would cease. The bounced check is obsolete both in having and needing. National debt forgiveness is not unheard of in written history. This is what I suggest and simply a refusal to replace the instrument of exchange with anything regulatory. Quantity of supply has far eclipsed the quality of life and it’s precisely what we don’t need. We need to save resources. Excess production needs to slow. Construction needs to slow. These are not matters of carelessness or callousness. This is simply how society grew and what we need to do to adjust to the new reality. Once there were trees a plenty. Now, not as much as you’d think I bet. Droughts are happening. We find our backbone and recommit ourselves to the certainty of love, because people are better than is often depicted by media, implied by advertising or entertainment programs. However, many want to believe that the federal and state organizations are fundamentally benevolent. A Nazi infiltration most definitely would change that, rotting from within.

We need to think of ourselves and take each moment on a case-by-case basis. We can no longer believe, blindly embrace, the details provided by our governing security bodies. There is no need for rancor toward those who are confused, misunderstood, and misinformed. Making inclusive community connection is of primary importance in riding out the strata shake-up which is already underway. Finally, I would say look for the good people, those who have committed themselves to kindness, and less looking for the good in people. Those who have chosen by personal certainty will show themselves. There’s no need to look or wonder. It’s in their every move. A con man fakes that as much as possible, but will inevitably have to admit the truth no matter how micro the expression. Americans sometimes entertain doubt since the question over consciousness is a hold-over controversy. Is there free-will? Is it all just the electrical signals of the brain? Is it meaningless and random? Is it worth it? Some think not and therefore intend to embellish an unworthy experience with such decadence as to be grotesque. Here is the rub. They insist on force that which they can have by love. They could be adored by their people, but they want to take more than is truly necessary. There is neither respect nor awareness of the gravitas of the individual life, thus certainty waivers. This is the weak spot the corrupted system capitalizes on, the winner/loser dichotomy. The ease in which violence is carried out can send us all scurrying for some semblance of safety, and their net is what we find first and foremost. We need to make a choice and stick to it. Martyrs happen, but it must not be romanticized. Grandparents’ dying to keep the grandchildren warm is one thing, but giving up the gift of the human form must be cautiously weighed. So what do we do? Mend ourselves and come back stronger than ever. The hub of the system and its fixation is killing our future. Its insistence is a junkie foaming at the mouth. your social media marketing partner
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