How to create a killer using mind control

Written by Nancy Lake   
Tuesday, 18 December 2012 08:05

Regarding Adam Lanza: One of the forensic investigators, Lt. Vance said. "The forensic part is not done yet. We are looking on his computers to see if there was someone who was goading this kid on. There could be a conspiracy of sorts involving someone else.” The News in Australia is different than ours. Their news reports a man in camoflage pants being escorted out of the woods behind Sandy elementary school and put in a police car. And did his mother, Nancy Lanza really own a semi automatic weapon as it is reported? There are conflicting accounts of her level of expertise with weapons, and Adam was a shy geeky guy going to college at age 17. What do we believe.

A Google search regarding mind control will yield all that anyone needs to learn. There is a movie called "Manchurian Candidate" that is about creating a human weapon or an assassin. When is the assassin created? Early in childhood some children are exposed to some type of mind control and some of these victims are children of military personelle (other countries as well). Males are their most vulnerable and unstable during adolescence. The surge of testosterone and the new growth of neurons in the brain lead to moodiness and frustration. If someone can purposefully excite, perturb anger in a teen male then we have the makings of a monster.

I am sharing Liza's quote. "I am Adam Lanza's mother. I am Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's mother. I am Jason Holmes's mother. I am Jared Loughner's mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho's mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it's easy to talk about guns. But it's time to talk about mental illness." Writes Liza Long whose recent article “I am Adam Lanza’s Mother" went viral after the Connecticut shootings. It is time to really discuss, beyond the psycho-pharmaceutical interventions, and the snake pit clinics where people just scream all night, and the jails who serve as a place to detain the mentally ill, what we can do to help all at risk kids. We need to come together under a new paradigm of compassion and understanding.

Most of the mass shootings have been planned in advance. All of the killers were genius or near genius in IQ. That is also an important factor. I think the less intelligent do not make good mind control candidates. I am not totally sure why that is an issue. The less intelligent can have outbursts of anger but they might not plan an incident very well. Certain drugs can exasperate violence and some of these drugs are unknown to most of us. Those who are intelligent might also react to cues that others might miss. If a child is sensitive and quick to react that might also pose a problem. Many schools have removed art therapy from the curriculum, and that is a huge mistake when it comes to emotional health. Art was a time when my boys could self sooth and be creative. They say it saved them in many ways. When their life was unrulely they had art to express those feelings. Like Liza Long, I was an struggling and sometimes moody single mother. If I could have cloned myself, worked two or three jobs, and found the time to attend to the needs of my children all would have been perfect. I certainly loved them, but remember feeling hungry and exhausted. I gained weight being hungry so it must be the cortisol. I was reading that Liza has a blog and some on line are pretending to know her and not approve of her parenting. I really admire her openness and hope she and her child receive some help.

Childhood trauma makes children emotionally unstable. All children need love and belongingness at an early age. They need to feel safe with their caretakers and their community. Many children with emotional issues felt that they did not fit in or had handicaps with making friends and socializing.

More and more schools are offering peer groups that help each other learn to socialize and achieve the more desirable type of attention from others. When we take all the money and use it to fight these huge wars overseas we strip our children of a meaningful education. My mother grew up during the great depression and yet, they had music class, girls glee club, art classes, drama and various celebrations and dance and PE. They had a fuller more enhanced education during the Great depression. I think it is a matter of priorities. We now want to send our young men over to the Middle East where they can come home sick or in a box. That is the most important way to run our country.

I cannot even begin with foreign policy. There are so many players in that world. Economic sanctions just cause foreign countries to hate us. That is not the answer. I think we need to have the United Nations become more than a name. If we can put some power there and let the USA go back to being a Nation State, then we might be on the right track.

Criminals will always be able to get guns and ammunition. Laws just keep the honest people honest. Helping kids when they need it most and beefing up our education would be a more wise use of energy and money.

As for guns, I look forward to two types, Star Trek Stun Guns and Tranquilizer Guns...

I would hope the rest would go away, but, I don't see that any time soon. your social media marketing partner
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