Written by Jerry Clark   
Saturday, 27 February 2010 11:24
Being born and raised as a white man in the land of pure bigotry (Western Nebraska) the birth state of the white guy, Dick Cheney and having seen my black brothers and sisters denied exposure because of their color, unless they are charged with a crime, my energy and my whole being is dedicated to assuring that our civil rights are not taken away.

It disturbs me greatly to see that we have not abolished slavery today! This modern day slavery is in the form of the control that the health insurance industry holds over us, hoping that we will just die - then they will not have to deny or require prior approval to steal our money. If any of the current efforts to "reform" health care are made into law, we're doomed.

Why - all current "reform" plans mandate that we contribute to our own demise by requiring us to purchase a health insurance policy or pay a fine. In some plans the government will subsidize our purchasing of a plan. This, again, ensures that the health insurance companies are able to continue to enslave us.

We must fight the larger battle for which that dangerous Negro, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his life. (Starting with President Woodrow Wilson’s declaration of A. Philip Randolph as “the most dangerous Negro in America” in 1919, it seems that intelligent Black leaders with organizational skills were given this label. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. was crowned the “most dangerous Negro in America” by the FBI after the March on Washington." (From an interview posted on AOL Black Voices with Demetrius Walker, one of the founders of

We, all Americans, citizens, immigrants all, must band together to make sure that we remain free. your social media marketing partner
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