Impoverished Royalty

Wednesday, 03 July 2013 02:42
My mother would tell us stories about having royalty in her family background. Talk about a "double bind": we were poor "regals"! lol She said we had a castle in Ireland. Now I realize that stories about royalty and castles are stories about being enslaved, enslaved to a limited consciousness!

I allowed myself to believe that QUALITY of life, namely life as royalty, with all the perks, everything that money can buy, would be the absolute best that I could achieve. I became enslaved to limitations, and this kind of slavery was a limitation of my consciousness. My CONSCIOUSNESS of life, boiled down to an awareness, a sensitivity to, and of, identity, namely social status. The greatest identity that I used to think of was royalty, or,in the religious sense,I used to see myself as part of the "Kingdom" of G_D.

Instead of "going with the program",I have "opted in" to being free from all emotional defensivemness regarding all communication fome and/or to me. I am able to debunk all royalty, all class, all religion, etc., even all communication, even my own lol because all communication is flawed. I see little if any reason to be defensive unless and until I am confronted with immanent life or death issues.
In a sense, my newly discovered skills require zero referential acknowledgementand in fact I relish any and all attempts to try to diminish my limitlessness lol

So much communication is bullying, because communication is socially constructed, flawed awareness and sensitivity to (competitive to cooperative) identities such as the subjective definitions of who "qualifies" as royalty.

Instead of admiring royals I now visualize royals as needy: others deal with things like putting THE right amount, etc., of toothpaste on their toothbrushes! Instead of royals knowing the difference between life and death issues and/or a quality of life issue, I visualize them hardly knowing the price of a quart, or a liter, etc., of milk. I now see royals (also celebs, the elite, etc.,) as childlike, or even infantlike, imagining that a car must cost 1 million dollars! Imagine this ROYAL DECREE: ROYAL POLICY hereby proclaims and demands that plumbing systems be built so that ROYAL waste, is carried off separately in ROYAL plumbing to and through ROYAL SEWERS, to ROYAL SEWAGE PLANTS!

However, instead of judging royals, I may need to focus on whether instead of HAVING life, all my previous life and life performances, experiences, etc., HAD me. Perhaps I need to dare to RISK to TRANSCEND my competitive consciousness, (the consciousness LEVEL on which I PERFORM life) so that it transforms into a cooperative consciousness, a level where I EXPERIENCE life.

Perhaps though, even WITH a cooperative consciousness, I STILL will have limited experiences, but at least, then, they may or hopefully will be, shared experiences, instead of or in addition to solipsistic performances of life, love, sex, laughter, etc. Maybe a combination of competitive-cooperative-performance-experience will result in limitless consciousness. Now THAT would be transcending even the communication of being beyond royalty! your social media marketing partner
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