Lysistrata Taken To the Exponential Power

Saturday, 11 February 2012 06:11
"Women(and metrosexuals?)of the world unite!" Let's take "Lysistrata (where women, et al?, withhold sex from men until they stop warring) to a new meta level. Let's use our communication while we still can(who knows if the censors will be monitoring everyone soon, if it has yet to happen?)to deal with the "phallic root problem".

Let's try to look at men in the best light that they can be seen: let's suppose that men are unaware that they are bullies at all. (Do you hear what I hear now? Men saying:"Why, it is the women that are the bullies, or the bullyettes, because they withhold what we want, or make us jump through hoops to get to their vaginas!

Maybe we SHOULD give men some slack, they hardly asked to BE the mostly, larger physical specimens that they are. Why, they even hardly KNOW that they have more strength than women! Often, enough, instead of HAVING their strength, men's strength HAS them! It is likewise for their phallic root cause: men hardly HAVE their phallic root cause, because their phallic root cause HAS them! Men hardly use their phallic root cause to "take" women, etc., as reward "spoils" of their unequaled physical power. Men have, as extensions of that unequal physical power, more opportunities, more advantages ( Can you hear the men all claiming "FOUL" Women have more advantages they get to TAKE our phallic root cause anytime they want, we men and our phallic root cause is VULNERABLE to all women" The real VULNERABILITY is that men's phallic root cause takes the women for and in place of them. Instead of HAVING ANY intent at all, men's phallic root cause HAS their INTENT for, and in place of them having any intent for themselves.

Lets start telling men by "talking" to their phallic root causes. Let's tell their phallic root causes that we know it is "they", mens second "heads" that is the malefactor of all the problems in the world and that we, women (and "metrosexuals", etc?) are united to take all of you "down" (Do you hear the collective "DROOP" of all the collective erections around the male world?) and then all over the world let's watch as all phallic root causes retreat. Perhaps all the phallic root causes in the world will get together and after a sufficient time of mourning for their pyhrric loss, they can re-emerge WITHOUT THE EGO, that was false confidence anyway,to transcend their former warring, competitive, un-natures to re-join us with their cooperative selves. your social media marketing partner
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